Sizzl, a Bacon-Themed Dating App, Connects You With People Who Love Cliches
Oscar Mayer wants to find you love, and maybe greasy salty porks.

Oscar Mayer is getting in the app game. The dating app game. Sizzl is the “Dating App for Bacon Lovers.” You catch that pun there or was it hard to see when the “bacon dating” combination made your eyes bleed?
Sizzl is like Tinder, but with added bacon features. You can hold down the “Sizzl-meter” longer, for example, to indicate to your potential match your level of interest. It’s actually a pretty clever innovation! The trouble with Sizzl, however, is you’re not actually searching for fellow bacon-lovers. You’re just going to find someone who also loves cliches and shopping at mall kiosks for graphic tees. If that’s your M.O., great! A crispy true love awaits on Sizzl.
Although incredibly stupid, Sizzl could be the next step in dating app specialization. People try group dating, religion-specific dating, friend-recommended dating, and even threesomes to get it right with mobile swipe-love. The trick might just be finding someone who’s equally as likely to be enticed by something so specific. Bacon preference does not matter — at all — in finding a potential partner, but the type of person who thinks it does matter, could be someone’s soulmate-in-waiting. Live on, Sizzl! Make all the bacon weirdos happy and leave all the normal freaks for the rest of us on Tinder.