Jack White Denies Trying to Bar-Fight Patrick Carney of the Black Keys
I can tell that we aren't gonna be friends.

UPDATE: Seems Jack White and Patrick Carney have buried the hatchet. Carney has deleted almost all of his tweets and posted the following message: “Talked to jack for an hour he’s cool. All good.”
Did money exchange hands? Behind-the-scenes pressure for a label exec? Did they just talk it out like two adults? Whatever happened, one thing’s for certain. We can just be grateful this was an East Coast bar and that neither tried to step to Kid Rock in a Waffle House parking lot at 1 a.m. because the Kid don’t tweet, he just pops off his American flag poncho and brings the ruckus. Kid Rock does not suffer fools.
ORIGINAL POST: Jack White has, reasonably and publicly, bemoaned web journalists (like me!) looking to exploit fake drama for column inches. But he’s having a beef with the Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney so, you know, pull up a knitting needle.
In a statement to Pitchfork, White denies Carney’s claims that the erstwhile White Stripe tried to take him to the woodshed. “Nobody tried to fight you, Patrick,” White said. “Nobody touched you or ‘bullied’ you. You were asked a question you couldn’t answer so you walked away. So quit whining to the internet and speak face to face like a human being. End of story.”
This after Carney went on Twitter to tell his followers White wanted to get physical in a New York bar.
White made some noise about the Black Keys jacking his sound a while back, but almost immediately apologized, writing: “I wish the band the Black Keys all the success that they can get.”
To sum up what we know for sure: One rock musician and another rock musician had a disagreement in a bar in New York, no punches were thrown, one tweeted about it.
Here’s an otter.