The rarest Pokémon for every location and weather type in 'Sword and Shield'
How to catch 'em all.

Pokémon Sword and Shield contain a staggering 400 unique pocket monsters to find, battle, and catch. Completing the games’ Pokédex will require players to finish the story, trade version exclusives, and spend hours walking around in tall grass. Catching ‘em all will be no easy feat.
While there might be a Wooloo in every bush, some Pokémon thatonly spawn in specific locations and under certain weather conditions. The weather of these “Wild Areas” will be displayed in players’ map with nine different icons: (clear, overcast, rain, thunderstorm, snow, snowstorm, intense sun, sandstorm, heavy fog).
Each Wild Area also has two different types of spawns, a world spawn and a grass spawn. Pokémon that spawn in the world are visible from the distance and can be approached to start a battle, while grass/fishing spawns need to be stumbled upon in a grassy field or in water.
Inverse has complied a list of the rarest Pokémon in 31 wild areas. We only included the creatures that are the absolute hardest to find in each of these areas, which means they have an extremely low chance of spawning or require specific weather conditions or actions to find. This list does not include any of the legendary Pokémon, which are by default the rarest because there is only one of each.
Route 1 & 10
- Duraludon has a 1 percent chance to spawn in the world.
Duraludon attacking.
- Eiscue (Shield exclusive) and Stonjourner (Sword exclusive) have a 2 percent chance to spawn in the grass.
Route 2
- Gyarados has a 2 percent chance to spawn in the water when players are surfing.
- Feebas has a 1 percent chance to appear when gamers are fishing.
Route 3
- Tyrogue has a 2 percent chance to appear walking around.
- Sizzlipede has a 1 percent chance to be lurking in the grass.
Route 4
- Eevee has a 1 percent chance to be seen wandering around.
- Ferroseed has a 1 percent chance to be creeping in grassy fields.
Route 5
- Drifloon has a 5 precent chance to be floating around.
- Dewpider also has a 5 percent chance to be found in the grass.
Route 6
- Trapinch has a 1 percent chance to roam in the area.
- Hawlucha has a 2 percent chance to appear in the grass.
Route 7
- Morpeko has a 5 percent chance to be found wandering the area.
- Shelmet has a 5 percent chance to be hidden in grassy fields.
Route 8
- Togedemaru has a 5 percent chance to be seen in this location.
- Falinks has a 2 percent chance to be hiding in the bushes.
Route 9
- Dhelmise has a 1 percent chance to be found only in Circhester Bay.
- Lapras has a 1 percent chance to be fished in the area.
Axew’s Eye
- Delibird has a 5 percent chance to appear in the snow.
- Vulpix and Growlithe has a 5 percent chance to be found in intense sun.
- Gyarados can be found 5 percent of the time while fishing.
Bridge Field
- Cramorant will only appear 2 percent of the time when it’s raining.
- Togepi has a 5 percent chance to be found in grass, but only when it’s clear, foggy, or overcast.
Dappled Grove
- Tyrogue has a 2 percent chance to be walking around.
- Boundsweet only appears in the grass 5 percent of the time when it’s clear or sandstorming.
Dusty Bowl
- Togekiss will appear 2 percent of the time when it’s foggy.
- Coalossal can be found in the grass 2 percent of the time when there’s intense sun.
East Lake Axewell
- Snorunt has a 5 percent chance to be seen walking around in snow or a snowstorm.
- Wishiwashi can be found 5 percent of the time while fishing.
Galar Mine
- Chewtle, Roggenrola, and Shuckle have a 5 percent chance be walking around the area.
- Galarian Stunfisk has a 5 percent chance to be hidden in the grass.
Giant’s Cap
- Riolu has a 5 percent chance to be wandering around.
- Gyarados has a 5 percent chance to be fished.
Giant’s Mirror
- Chewtle will appear 5 percent of the time when it’s raining.
- Cutilefly has a 5 percent chance to spawn in fog.
- Delibird has a 5 percent spawn rate in snow.
- Galarian Corsola appears 5 percent of the time when it’s overcast.
- Heatmor can be seen 5 percent of the time during intense sun.
- Gyarados has a 5 percent chance to be fished.
Galarian Corsola
Giant’s Seat
- Munna can be seen 2 percent of the time when it’s foggy.
- Tyrogue will appear 2 percent of the time when it’s overcast.
- Cloyster has a 5 percent spawn rate while fishing.
Glimwood Tangle
- Sinistea is the rarest spawn in this area. It has a 1 percent chance to spawn either in the world or in the grass.
Hammerlocke Hills
- Axew has a 2 percent chance to appear in a sandstorm.
- Hawlucha will spawn 5 percent of the time in the grass, but only when it’s overcast.
Lake Outrage
- Flygon only has a 1 percent chance to spawn in intense sun.
- Gardevoir has a 1 percent spawn rate in the grass but only when it’s foggy.
Motostoke and Motostoke Riverbank
- Dewpider has a 5 percent chance to appear in the rain.
- Duskull spawns 5 percent of the time in fog.
- Munchlax appears 5 percent of the time when it’s clear.
- Pawniard has a 5 percent spawn rate in snowstorms.
- Throh can be seen 5 percent of the time when it’s overcast.
- Toxel appears 5 percent of the time in thunderstorms.
- Mareanie can be found 5 percent of the time while fishing.
Motokstoke Outskirts
- Sawk has a 5 percent chance to be seen walking around.
- Impidimp can be found 5 percent of the time in the grass.
North Lake Miloch
- Ralts has a 2 percent chance to be wandering the area when it’s foggy.
- Basculin has a 2 percent spawn rate in the grass.
Rolling Fields
- Tyrogue appears 5 percent of the time but that becomes 28 percent when it’s overcast.
- Metapod only appears 5 percent of the time in the grass when it’s clear, foggy, overcast, raining, or thunderstorming.
Slumbering Weald
- Corviknight can be found 5 percent of the time in the High Level area of this map.
- Gurbbin has a 5 percent chance to be lurking in the grass.
South Lake Miloch
- Pyukumuku is the rarest Pokémon in this are with a 2 percent chance to be seen in a thunderstorm and a 1 percent chance to find it when fishing.
Stony Wilderness
- Cramorant has a 5 percent spawn rate only in Zone 3.
- Applin appears 10 percent of the time in the grass when it’s clear.
- Elegoss can be found in the grass 10 percent of the time.
- Pikachu appears 10 percent of the time in the grass but only when it’s raining.
- Shuckle has a 10 percent chance to spawn in the grass during a sandstorm.
Watchtower Ruins
- Shuckle can be seen wandering around 2 percent of the time during intense sun, but that’s boosted to 25 percent during a sandstorm.
- Gastly can be found in the grass 10 percent of the time when it’s overcast.
West Lake Axewell
- Budew has a 5 percent spawn rate when it’s overcast.
- Tyrogue can be found hidden in the grass 5 percent of the time when it’s overcast.
Pokémon Sword and Shield is out now for the Nintendo Switch.