'Pokemon Sword & Shield' leaked gyms may help you decide which version to buy
Each game will come with three exclusive gyms.

Pokémon Sword and Shield is days away from introducing fans to the Galar Region, but a majority of the series’ next generation has already leaked online. The games’ full Pokédex, three starter evolutions, and potentially the plot have appeared on message boards. And there’s still more details about Sword and Shield emerging ahead of release.
Yet another gym battle leaked on Reddit Monday morning, revealing that the sixth gym in Pokémon Sword would be Rock-type. The video footage of the encounter also showed the final Pokémon in the leader’s team would be Coalossal, most likely the final evolution of Rolycoly.
The short clip confirms a earlier leak of all eleven gyms included in the games, first posted by Centro Pokémon earlier in November. Each title will have eight gyms total, but there will be three exclusive gyms for each game. That means if you have a favorite type of Pokémon, the right version that best suits your preferences could make gym battles a whole lot easier.

Here are the gym lineups for Pokémon Sword and Shield:
All of the Pokémon Sword Gyms
- Milo - Grass Gym Leader
- Nessa - Water Gym Leader
- Kabu - Fire Gym Leader
- Bea - Fighting Gym Leader (Exclusive)
- Opal - Fairy Gym Leader (Exclusive)
- Gordie - Rock Gym Leader (Exclusive)
- Piers - Dark Gym Leader
- Raihan - Dragon Gym Leader
Starting with Sobble (Water-type starter) will make your first gym encounter a little tough, since you’ll need to take on the Grass gym leader first. But catching a Flying-type early on will help you defeat Milo and Bea, while your Water-type starter will make quick work of Kabu and Gordie.
The Fairy-type Gym leader that is exclusive to *Pokémon Sword*.
All of the Pokémon Shield Gyms
- Milo - Grass Gym Leader
- Nessa - Water Gym Leader
- Kabu - Fire Gym Leader
- Allister - Ghost Gym Leader (Exclusive)
- Sopp - Poison Gym Leader (Exclusive)
- Melony - Ice Gym Leader (Exclusive)
- Piers - Dark Gym Leader
- Raihan - Dragon Gym Leader
Opting for Scorbunny (Fire-type starter) will make the first gym a cakewalk, but Ness will give you some issues. Make sure to catch a Grass or Electric-type to better your chances against the Water-type gym leader.
Going with Grookey (Grass-type starter) is the safest option, at least early on. You’ll go even with Milo and absolutely destroy Nessa. Things will get a little dicer when Kabu comes around, so make sure you stack your team with a Rock or Water-type to handle the Fire-type Gym leader.
Pokémon Sword and Shield comes to Nintendo Switch on November 15.