The 'Death Stranding' PC release date could be ruined by spoiler culture
It's going to be a long wait, PC gamers.

Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima’s dystopian delivery man adventure game will be released on PC in “early summer 2020.” The title will be exclusively launched for PlayStation on November 8, but Italian publisher 505 Games announced Monday that it would bring the games to Windows no later than eight months after it’s released on the PS4.
Unfortunately for PC loyalists, Death Stranding will most likely be spoiled into oblivion by the time they get their hands on it. The upcoming game’s plot has been shrouded in mystery making it prime fodder for theory posts, explainer videos, and Reddit discussions. But how long can that mystery last once the game launches?
Once Death Stranding’s release, vloggers, journalists, and streamers will almost certainly race to upload definitive explanations of Kojima’s brainchild. That means PC purists will either need to mute their news feeds for more than half a year or just accept the imminent spoilers. And members of the PC gaming subreddits are already prepared to dodge spoiler content like Neo limboing under bullets in The Matrix.
“While I’m happy to wait for a polished PC port…avoiding spoilers for almost half of a year is going to be a nightmare,” wrote Redditor Soyboy1488.
Not only will it be extremely difficult to completely avoid spoilers if you’re an avid gaming news and video consumer, but it’ll be substantially worse than, say, avoiding Game of Thrones spoilers during its final season. If fans missed the debut of an episode they could make an effort to stay offline for a workday and watch the installment once they get home, but PC gamers will need to completely check out of their favorite forums for eight long months.
This is Sam Bridges the main character in 'Death Stranding,' played by Norman Reedus. But it's also a great visualization of PC gamers trying their hardest to shield their eyes from spoilers after the game comes out on PS4 almost a year before it is ported to PC.
One Redditor even wrote they’re going to bite the bullet and get it for the PS4 just because of the unavoidable videos, screenshots, and articles that will likely spoil Death Stranding. If you just have a PS4 lying around then that’s no big deal, but buying the console and the game will be more than $300.
“I’ll probably end up buying the stupid thing on PS4 anyway just so I can avoid anybody spoiling it to me,” wrote Da_s_D_u_k_e.
It’s an exciting time for PS4-owners who have been intrigued by Death Stranding’s mystique or want to see what Kojima has been cooking up for years. But the announcement of a PC port eight months after the game is released was disappointing for many gamers. Then again, considering that the game was billed as a PlayStation exclusive, it’s better than nothing, right?
Death Stranding launches for PS4 on November 8 and PC in mid-2020.