'Fortnite' leaked Batman skins and challenges signal best crossover yet
The Caped Crusader will soon swoop into Tilted.

After Pennywise from It: Chapter Two never joined Fortnite: Battle Royale for a crossover tied to the film’s release, we should all be skeptical whenever leaks emerge about a new themed event, especially when on the surface it doesn’t make any sense. The latest set of leaks to hit the Fortnite community has to do with a supposedly upcoming Batman themed event. The how or why doesn’t matter all that much, though, because this one actually seems legit.
Hidden deep within the files of the version 10.31 update released Wednesday morning are definitive evidence of a Batman crossover. There’s a Batman cape back bling and glider, but also a Batman Grapple Gun and Explosive Batarang. The most extreme part of the crossover, however, is a Rift Zone that’ll transform Tilted Town into Gotham City!
Less concrete leaks in the data files indicate that there will be two Batman costumes, a Batgirl costume, and probably a Joker costume as well. (Could that clownish cackle and the red balloons have been for the Joker all along?)
Stylized as “Fortnite x Batman,” the event will honor Batman Day, an annual holiday established by DC Comics in 2014 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Batman’s debut in Detective Comics volume 1, number 27 way back in 1939. For anyone confused about why this is happening when there are no Batman TV shows or movies coming out anytime soon, know that this is more of a celebratory publicity stunt coordinated directly by DC Comics (I’m assuming).
This upcoming event will be closer in scale to Fortnite x John Wick or Fortnite x Endgame rather than the Stranger Things crossover. Fortnite x Batman will include at least one set of challenges.
Thes Batman-themed challenges sound genuinely fun.
The use of Batman Grapnel Guns and Explosive Batarangs in challenges comes as no surprise, but what are “Joker gas canisters” and how do “Bat Signals” work? We’re bound to find out soon enough. Batman Day officially falls on Saturday, September 21. Cities around the world will be lighting Bat Signals to commemorate the occasion.
Is it possible that “Welcome to Gotham City” challenges will replace the usual limited-time challenge events that lead to secret battle stars? That seems totally possible, which might mean that Gotham City will arrive in Fortnite on Thursday, September 19 at the earliest. Time will tell.