'Fortnite' No Dancing Sign Locations: Where to Find Them for Boogie Down
When 'Fortnite' becomes 'Footloose.'
by Corey PlanteFortnite: Battle Royale’s latest mission is all about dancing and music. Can you do it near special places? Can you make the music needed for others to do it? Can you keep it up for an uncomfortable amount of time? These are the deep, deep questions that the Boogie Down mission set asks of us. My personal favorite challenge, presumably inspired by the Kevin Bacon classic Footloose (I know you already looked him up after the Avengers: Infinity War joke), is “destroy [three] no dancing signs.”
Players can unlock this specific challenge only after completing two other Boogie Down challenges like “dance in front of a bat statue, a way-aboveground pool and a seat for giants” or “visit an oversized piano.” No dancing signs are one of the longest-running features of the Fortnite island, an ultra-conservative taunt to players that are ritualistically compelled to dance on, in, and with all manner of people, places, and things as part of weekly challenges. As the map has evolved over time, so too has the location of every no dancing sign.
The two signs near Frosty Flights should be on everyone's target list.
Everyone should be going for the two no dancing signs near the southwest corner of the map. The very tip of the island has a sign, and then you can talk a short walk to the northeast and grab a zipline there that’ll take you directly up to a little campsite that has another no dancing sign right next to the tent. Players will remember some of these locations from very early in Season 7, which began in December 2018.
Almost all of the no dancing signs are located on top of mountains or otherwise remote destinations, so you might as well spend one match going to the two in the southwest and another match landing directly next to the third one. There’s no direct prestige counterpart as part of Boogie Down either, as that slot goes to “dance after opening a supply drop in different matches.” If you’re not dancing after getting that sweet loot, are you even playing Fortnite correctly?
Like all Boogie Down challenges and other weekly missions sets that are part of the premium battle pass, this challenge will be available to players until the season ends, so everyone has about a month before it disappears forever.
*Fortnite: Battle Royale Season X should end on or around October 5, 2019.