'Fortnite' Season 9 Map Changes: Neo Tilted Towers, Sky Platforms and More
Let's go to the (mega) mall.
by Jake KleinmanFortnite: Battle Royale Season 9 is jumping into the future, and that means some pretty drastic map changes for Fortnite Island. There’s new areas like Neo Tilted Towers and the Mega Mall, along with new ways to get around like Slipstreams and Sky Platforms. To be honest, it’s a lot to process.
Here’s a quick breakdown of all the biggest map changes in Fortnite Season 9.
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Fortnite Season 9 Map Changes: Neo Tilted Towers
Neo Tilted Towers
The most noticeable change is the return of Tilted Towers with a pretty huge twist. Fortnite’s major city, best known for being one of the deadliest places on the map, is back with a totally new futuristic look that you’ll definitely want to check out.
Neo Tilted Towers
As a side note, if you’re feeling nostalgic for the old Tilted, you can find part of the destroyed clock tower over at Junk Junction.
Fortnite Season 9 Map Changes: Mega Mall
Mega Mall
Another new location, Mega Mall replaces retail row. It’s basically exactly what it sounds like: a giant mall. Mega Mall also features a Slipstream that circles around it for easy transportation, just like Neo Tilted Towers.
Mega Mall
Fortnite Season 9 Map Changes: Pressure Plant
Pressure Plant
Located near the volcano that appeared in Season 8, Pressure Plant is a new location seemingly designed to draw power from the lava pouring onto the map. It seems to be a smaller area, but it looks like there could be some fun stuff to explore.
Fortnite Season 9 Map Changes: Loot Lake
It’s not a major change, but the brick buildings around Loot Lake have been upgraded with a more futuristic look. If you’re in the area, drop by to check them out.
Fortnite Season 9 Map Changes: Slipstreams
Slipstreams in Neo Tilted Towers
Possibly the biggest overall changes to the map, Slipstreams are basically Fortnite’s version of the public transportation tubes from Futurama. There’s one big loop in the middle of the map and two smaller ones encircling Neo Tilted and Mega Mall.
Here’s a map showing the location of all three Slipstreams:
Here's an approximation of what the Slipstream route looks like.
Fortnite Season 9 Map Changes: Sky Platforms
Fortnite Sky Platforms
Fortnite also added new Sky Platforms to the map. These are basically small platforms high up in the air. They don’t seem to serve much of a purpose, but there’s already a challenge requiring you to visit all seven, so you might as well get it out of the way.
Here’s our map of all known Sky Platforms in Fortnite right now:
Much like pirate camps, the sky platforms are evenly dispersed around the map — except they're in the sky.
Fortnite Season 9 Map Changes: Zeppelins
Finally, it looks like Fortnite’s vision of the future includes zeppelin billboards floating through the skies. For now, it doesn’t seem like these add much to the game besides enhancing the general cyberpunk vibe, but maybe that will change as Season 9 progresses.
According to the in-game countdown, Fortnite Season 9 doesn’t end until July 23.