'Fortnite' Treasure Map Loading Screen Location: Where the Knife Points
The exact location for the Week 6 challenge.
by Corey PlanteEpic Games just delivered a direct sequel to a Fortnite: Battle Royale challenge from Season 8, Week 3 this week, and it involves that pirate’s treasure map loading screen.
Week 6 began Thursday morning, introducing one challenge that has players “search where the knife points on the treasure map loading screen.” It’s a direct follow-up to Week 3’s “search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen” and functions in the exact same way. Like the treasure map challenges of yesteryear, these challenges are incredibly easy to complete so long as players know exactly where to go. Thankfully, we’ve got a map and video guide to show you.
Both challenges refer to a loading screen called “Isle of Treasure” that’s awarded to all players with the Season 8 premium battle pass who reach Tier 10, so the loading screen itself is easy to get. You don’t even technically need to own it or even look at it to complete the challenge — but you do have to have the premium battle pass.
The knife very clearly points to a location just north of the race track on the eastern side of the map.
The scaling of the pirate’s treasure map feels a bit off compared to the actual map of the island, but it’s clear from the loading screen that the knife is pointing to a location that’s just north of the race track to the east.
More specifically, it’s north of the race track and south of the abandoned superhero mansion.
Look for the symmetrical cluster of four trees and go to the dirt spot just north of them.
The location players want to aim for is a small patch of dirt (often used for marking the locations of battle stars of all kinds) directly north of a cluster of four trees that touches the edge of the desert biome. Completing this challenge should be incredibly easy for everybody.
Unfortunately, this location is very far removed from any relevant destinations for completing other Week 6 challenges, like visiting the five highest elevations or the wooden rabbit, stone pig, and metal llama. Definitely be on the lookout for the Flint-Knock Pistol and Boom Bow because you’ll need to get one elimination with one of those weapons this week.
The in-game countdown indicates that Season 8 ends on May 8, so players have until then to complete this and other challenges before Season 9 arrives.
Fortnite: Battle Royale Season 8, Week 7 should begin Thursday, April 11.
Watch a very special episode of our Fortnite talk show Squad Up to see Patrick Warburton play some Battle Royale.