Here's Where the Magnifying Glass Sits on the Treasure Map in 'Fortnite'
Look for the ice statues.

There’s a new challenge in the world of Fortnite: Battle Royale for Season 8, Week 3 that should also feel very familiar to players — it’s a fusion of two things we’re all used to doing.
Week 3 began Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. Eastern, about 90 minutes later than usual, and even more delayed than Week 2. We predicted that treasure map challenges would return in Season 8, and here in Week 3, they have returned … sort of.
The new challenge, to “search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen,” basically combines the traditional treasure map challenge format with the Discovery or Snowfall weekly secret loading screen format.
You have to unlock a specific loading screen, and that image has a clue leading to a secret battle star. It’s only slightly more difficult than other treasure map challenges, but still, all you have to do is land at a specific destination to claim the prize.
Here's the Treasure Map loading screen called "Isle of Treasure." It's a Tier 10 award for the Season 8 premium battle pass.
The loading screen itself is a Tier 10 prize on the Season 8 premium battle pass. It’s technically called “Isle of Treasure,” and based on the context clues, it looks like a picture of Blackheart’s desk on his pirate ship. It’s clearly a map of the Fortnite island drawn in tradition pirate style. The magnifying glass is placed over a specific circle of trees in the southwestern quadrant of the map.
For a more precise location based on the real island map, look here.
If you zoom in on the in-game map, it's easy to see the circle of trees to head for.
This particular location is directly east of Frosty Flights and southwest of Polar Peak. If you zoom in on the in-game map, you can just faintly see the circle of trees. The battle star is on the pedestal underneath the ice statue that looks like the Raven skin. Often, a chest will spawn directly below this location. There’s also a zipline just northwest of this area that goes up to Polar Peak, so that’s where players should go once they’ve claimed this battle star.
There really isn’t much overlap between this challenge and the others for Week 3, but it’s a good idea to head east, where it’s possible to visit Fatal Fields and Sunny Springs in a single match and to search chests at Fatal Fields. Also, be sure to use trap slot items and focus on dealing damage to opponents with headshot damage.
Happy hunting.
Fortnite: Battle Royale Season 8, Week 4 should begin the morning of Thursday, March 21.