'PEN15' Season 2: Hulu Release Date, Trailer, Spoilers, and More
Relive the embarrassments of middle school with this Hulu series.
by Meredith JacobsIf you’re feeling nostalgic for the early ‘00s and your awkward middle school years, then Hulu’s new comedy PEN15 is for you. And if you already binged through Season 1 then you’re probably wondering when the PEN15 Season 2 release date will arrive.
PEN15 stars adult comedians Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle as 13-year-old versions of themselves (yes, seriously, and it works surprisingly well) dealing with some all-too-familiar issues. There are ups and downs, wins and losses, and plenty of embarrassing moments for Maya and Anna in Season 1, but this could just be the beginning. Erskine and Konkle also created the series, and they have a clear vision of PEN15 Season 2 — assuming it happens at all.
Here’s everything we know so far about PEN15 Season 2, from possible release dates to where the plot might be headed.
How Did PEN15 Season 1 End?
Anna and Maya go into their first school dance on bad terms, but they’ve made up by the end of the night (Anna’s parents are getting divorced, and Maya wasn’t the first one to find out because she didn’t answer the phone). However, Maya hasn’t told Anna everything, like the fact that she got her period already.
After repairing their friendship (for now), the finale ends with the girls smoking a cigarette outside for the first time.
Will There Be a Season 2?
Hulu has yet to renew or cancel the series, so for now, all we know is that it’s very possible it will be back for a second season.
Will Maya and Anna continue to suffer through seventh grade?
When Is the PEN15 Season 2 Release Date?
Again, we don’t know because it’s unclear if there will be a second season. However, it’s possible that Hulu will want to stick to a February/winter release date.
Since the series does follow its characters during middle school, it’s also possible that it could be released at any point during the school year to capitalize on that timing.
It’s also worth noting that it took four months for PEN15 to get from its initial announcement to a Season 1 release date. So Season 2 could roll out pretty quickly as well once it’s renewed.
When Will the PEN15 Season 2 Trailer Be Released?
This, of course, depends on whether Hulu renews the series.
We can also look at the videos released for Season 1 to speculate about Season 2’s trailer. Season 1’s episodes dropped on February 8. Hulu released three previews prior to that.
The first was a release date announcement on November 19. The second was a teaser (below) on December 20. The final video was the trailer on January 18, three weeks before the episodes were released.
If there is a Season 2, we can expect something similar. There will likely be a teaser to announce its renewal and then another one to announce its release date before the teaser and trailer for the actual episodes.
What Is the PEN15 Season 2 Plot?
If there is a second season, it will explore at least two topics briefly touched on already.
First, there’s the matter of Anna’s parents’ divorce.
“That scene [of her parents telling her they were divorcing], as the best that I could do, it was straight out of how I remembered it,” Konkle told The Hollywood Reporter. “There’s that masochistic element to it because we’re writing this for ourselves. If there is a second season, there’s a lot of stuff we talked about.”
Anna and Maya only really mention the divorce after the dance and briefly discuss how Anna feels about it. So if there is a second season, there’s plenty that PEN15 could explore in that area.
Another topic would be Maya’s period, since she hasn’t told Anna she got it yet.
“We were [able to save the majority of that storyline] for the second season,” Erskine said. “We were trying to shape and have them be more innocent — at last for the first season. We’re going to explore more mature, darker content in the second season. The girls will probably experiment more.”
We did see the girls doing some experimenting in the first season, particularly with smoking a cigarette. If there is a second season, they could experiment with drugs as well, but it would all be framed within the confines of middle school. The creators don’t plan to take their characters to high school.
“Before we even pitched the show, we had set up arcs for the characters because as of now the goal is that they stay in seventh grade forever,” Erskine told THR.
So, in order to have these characters evolve, “we go through things that happened to us later on in middle school and then high school and just place that in the frame of seventh grade,” she explained.
If there is a second season, we can expect it to be as entertaining, humorous, and likely as embarrassing for Maya and Anna as the first.
PEN15 Season 1 is now streaming on Hulu.
Related video: Maya and Anna Attend Middle School in ‘PEN15’ Teaser