'Fortnite' Patch: Update Vaults Burst Assault Rifle, Adds Suppressed Sniper
Along with other important tweaks.
by Corey PlanteThe Fortnite: Battle Royale inventory just got some big changes in the form of the Six Shooter and several burst assault rifles getting vaulted. But Dual Pistols are back, and there’s a brand-new Suppressed Sniper Rifle in the latest Fortnite patch update.
Epic Games rolled out the third version 7.10 content update on Tuesday, and per the notes on the official Fortnite blog, the biggest change to Battle Royale is the introduction of a new sniper rifle that trades power for stealth. The new weapon comes in Epic and Legendary variants wherever loot drops, including from Vending Machines. It seems similar to the traditional Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle with the only difference being a suppressor.
The base damage for these new weapons is either 100 or 105, which is only slightly less than the 110 and 116 base damage of the bolt-action variants. So in short, in almost every case, using the suppressed version will be better than the standard.
Say hello to the new Suppressed Sniper Rifle.
Sadly, the new update also marks the end of the Six Shooter, a revolver-type handgun that was introduced during Fortnitemares back in October. It was a fairly powerful hand cannon of sorts in the style of Rick Grimes’ revolver from The Walking Dead.
The trade-off here is the reintroduction of the Dual Pistols, which were originally vaulted as part of the 6.21 patch in early November. They deal damage similar to the Six Shooter, but with two of them, they can bring down enemy shields very quickly.
Also vaulted in a huge surprise are the Common, Uncommon, and Rare Burst Assault Rifles, the grey, green, and blue variants that have been around since the very beginning of the game back in 2017. Some fans are seemingly devastated, but considering these weapons were always kind of terrible, it’ll free up inventory space for something much better.
One other adjustment is a reduction in the drop rates for Dynamite by 40 percent, a welcome change considering how awful this author is at using the explosive.
For even more details about the changes to Fortnite, check out the update notes.
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