'Fortnite' Corrupted Areas: Locations, Map, Video Guide and Strategy
There's almost no synergy with the previous Corrupted Areas challenge.
by Corey PlanteOne of the new challenges included as part of the Fortnite Fortnitemares Halloween event overlaps with a regular Challenge from Week 2 (finding Corrupted Areas in the Season 6 map) but players will have to approach it an entirely different way. That’s only slightly annoying for those of us that already completed the initial challenge weeks ago.
Fortnitemares kicked off early Wednesday morning, and in addition to battling the new zombie-inspired Cube Monsters and dancing in front of Gargoyles, players also have to visit Corrupted Areas. In Week 2, the Challenge was to “Visit all of the Corrupted Areas.” That meant hardcore players could potentially hit two or more in a single match and complete it in as little as three matches.
This time around, however, the language is simultaneously more time consuming but flexible: “Visit a Corrupted Area in Different Matches.” The challenge indicates it has to be done seven times in seven different matches. Because the number seven is in there, it’s easy to assume that it has to be each of the seven different Corrupted Areas, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.
The Corrupted Areas are very easy to spot on the in-game map, but here they are highlighted in thematically appropriate purple boxes.
In theory, players should be able to visit the same Corrupted Area more than once — but they have to play at least seven total matches to complete the challenge no matter what.
On the plus side, the big Purple Cube has planted new magical structures at all of the Corrupted Areas, and that’s where the new Cube Monsters spawn. The other two Fortnitemares Challenges require that players eliminate these and deal damage to them with Assault Rifles and Pistols.
For players who really want to excel at the Fortnitemares Challenges, consider overlapping Corrupted Area visits with a map of all the known Gargoyle locations.
Here are all the known locations of Gargoyles in 'Fortnite' for Fortnitemares.
The practical thing to do is land on or near a Gargoyle location, loot for some gear, and then approach a Corrupted Area to fight some Cube Monsters. We suggest landing at Viking Village, dancing in front of the Gargoyle located there, and pushing either north through the Corrupted Area to the other Gargoyle at the Haunted Castle or heading southeast through that Corrupted Area before hitting the other Gargoyle near Flush Factory.
Alternatively, the northeastern area of the map has a Gargoyle in Tomato Temple and Risky Reels, along with a Corrupted Area in between the two.
This first batch of four Fortnitemares Challenges is only the beginning. More Challenges for the event unlock on Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday. Expect more Challenges involving the Cube Monsters, Corrupted Areas, and maybe even the Shadow Stones.