Rachel McAdams May Get Weird in Marvel's 'Doctor Strange'
A comics movie that want to make fetch happen.

Rachel McAdams, the current star of HBO’s True Detective and Southpaw, which hit theaters last weekend, is being eyed by Marvel to co-star in next year’s Doctor Strange, according to Variety.
McAdams confirmed that talks were at least happening. “It’s still super-early… and I don’t know where that’s gonna go, if it’s gonna go anywhere at all,” she told the Los Angeles Times.
It is currently unknown what role McAdams could play. Although known for comedy and romantic dramas, McAdams has shown in True Detective that she has the chops for a superhero blockbuster. Fittingly, Doctor Strange, due out November 4, 2016, might be the most accessible for her.
Marvel producer Kevin Feige has said Doctor Strange is going to be the most trippy of all the Marvel superheroes due to the nature of the character. Not that McAdams is ghoulish or bizarre, but Doctor Strange’s intended direction to go outside the typical superhero type of picture could be appealing to the actress and to the studio, which is now beginning to attract A-list stars to its assembled universe, as opposed to creating them. Paul Rudd recently starred as the titular hero Ant-Man, released just a few weekends ago.