The notion of a black Superman might’ve seemed impossible a few years ago, but that’s not the case anymore. In fact, it sounds like Michael B. Jordan might one day be cast as the Man of Steel. If it does happen, it won’t be for a few years, but such a radical departure from the canonical origins of perhaps DC Comics’ biggest hero might be just the thing this cinematic universe needs.
On Wednesday morning, news emerged that Henry Cavill might never again play the role of Superman, so the first thing on everyone’s mind inevitably becomes who might replace him in DC’s cinematic universe. Deadline simultaneously reported that a Warner Bros. source said the studio might consider Creed and Black Panther star Michael B. Jordan.
“The word has been out that Warner Bros. has been mulling a completely different direction with its Superman canon for some time,” the article says, “even considering casting Michael B. Jordan in the role down the road.”
Could this be our new Superman in a few short years? (Credit: E! Illustration)
A single anonymous source claiming that Warner Bros. is “considering” Michael B. Jordan is laughably far from anything even remotely close to this being a certainty. One meeting may have happened in which a studio executive pondered whether casting an actor like Michael B. Jordan might be a good move. So yeah, it’s a total longshot, but an intriguing one nonetheless. Showing audiences a black Superman would give audiences something bold, interesting, and at the very least, new.
Such a radical shakeup in the current cinematic universe could be incredibly interesting for the character. Clark Kent has always been a white male who grew up in Kansas. He represents some kind of American ideal of a near-perfect wholesome hero — but he’s also 100 percent an alien that whimpers at the sight of glowing green rocks whose skin color never really mattered whatsoever.
From another perspective, if Jordan were cast in the role, it would bring him that much closer to breaking the record for most comic book roles played by a single actor. Jordan played Johnny Storm in the most recent not-so-fantastic Fantastic Four movie, with his most recent role being Killmonger in Black Panther. Were he cast as Superman, this would tie him with Josh Brolin, who has played Jonah Hex, Cable in Deadpool 2, and Thanos in Infinity War.
We probably won’t hear any confirmation about a new Superman being cast anytime soon, and while Michael B. Jordan donning the red cape would be an incredible and bold move for DC, chances seem pretty slim it will actually happen. At least for the time being, the only place we’ll get more Superman is in the December Arrowverse crossover.