The Flash's Season 5 Suit Looks Badass in New "Suit Up" Arrowverse Promo
by Corey PlanteAfter several weeks of controversy and mixed opinions about a costume change for The Flash in Season 5, we finally got the briefest glimpse of Barry Allen wearing his new speedster costume. Despite an awkward lack of a chin strap, the new suit does look pretty badass.
The CW loves semi-annual promos featuring the many superheroes the network has at its disposal, and the latest, released by YouTube channel TV Promos on Tuesday, offers a bunch of teases for the upcoming fall slate of Arrowverse programming. We see Oliver Queen as the Green Arrow, Jefferson Pierce as Black Lightning, Kara Danvers as Supergirl, and more. But the newest costume we see in action comes from The Flash in an intense, dramatic moment.
Barry stands in his new costume with both arms outstretched to either side. He’s talking to someone that the viewer can’t see when he says, “You’re part of something greater.” That’s probably his daughter, right?
Nora West-Allen made a huge mistake by coming to the past, so is that scene Barry dying, and that's the whole reason she came back?
We can’t possibly tell what’s going on in this single second of footage, but the way Grant Gustin delivers that line almost makes it sound like he’s making some badass sacrifice to save everyone else. Could this be Barry in the future, dying to save his daughter? And that’s why she goes back in time to undo the past? It would make a lot of sense for The Flash Season 5 to start with Nora West-Allen in the future to show us what she does and to explain her “big mistake.”
Earlier in the trailer, Barry wears a version of his Season 1 suit and a security guard even comments that he’s going “old school.” So it seems like The Flash uses his old costume for the beginning of the Season 5 premiere before his daughter from the future reveals the Flash Ring with the new suit inside it.
The Flash Season 5 will premiere on The CW Tuesday, October 9 at 8 a.m. Eastern.