Leaked "Spirits" Mode Could Be 'Smash Bros. Ultimate's Rumored Campaign
Could this be Subspace Emissary 2.0?

When Nintendo revealed the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate main menu earlier this month, one section was purposely blurred out. It led to speculation that the new game could feature a story mode, similar to Brawl’s Subspace Emissary adventure. Now, the mysterious new mode may finally have a name: “Spirits.” But what does it mean?
The new name comes to us courtesy of Twitter user @l’attardé, who tweeted an enhanced version of the blurred menu which seems to reveal the hidden word. They followed up with a bit of speculation, suggesting that Spirits mode could have something to do with Luigi’s unceremonious death in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Simon Belmont reveal.
A third tweet notes that the Japanese version actually translates to Spirits, suggesting there could be more than one ghost involved.
That’s not much to go on, but it’s already led to at least one interesting theory. Over on gaming forum GameFAQs, one fan suggested that Spirit mode could involve visiting the afterlife to save the souls of various Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters. This could also allow players to unlock the entire roster while simultaneously playing through some sort of loose narrative.
Of course, that’s just a guess, but it’s not a bad one. If Nintendo does plan on offering a story mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that’s probably where it would go in the main menu. And if it really is called Spirit than some sort of afterlife adventure seems like a pretty good option.
We’ll have to wait until the next Nintendo Direct (or even longer) to find out for sure. In the meantime, check out this fan rendering of what the final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate main menu might just look like.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches December 7 for Nintendo Switch.