5 Popular World Cup 2018 Predictions Brought to You By Animals
Parrots, camels, and dolphins. Oh my!

The World Cup 2018 finals take place on Sunday with many predicting who will win the match between Croatia and France and take home the prestigious trophy. Those who need a little help, there’s practically a Noah’s Ark of animals who have already predicted a winner.
Using animals to predict the outcome of a big game is nothing new. Every Super Bowl there are plenty of four-legged, or no-legged, “psychics” from Fiona the hippo to Fernando the sloth who predict the victor. In the case of the World Cup, since it’s a worldwide event, there are a few more interesting soothsayers that declared either France or Croatia will take home the World Cup trophy.
Shaheen the Camel
In Dubai, a camel displayed its clairvoyant abilities to decide on a winner. Shaheen the camel peered into the future to pick Croatia for the win on Sunday. The humped animal has a 66 percent success rate so far this tournament according to Gulf News.
Cleopatra the Tapir
At the Nizhny Novgorod’s Limpopo zoo in Russia, Cleopatra the tapir is on a roll with its predictions for this year’s World Cup. So far, the South American animal similar to a pig is six for eight in predicting a winner. Cleopatra decides who takes home the trophy by eating out of a designated fruit bowl, and it predicts Croatia will be the big winner as reported by TASS.
Nicholas the Dolphin
At Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater, Florida, a dolphin sees the match go another way. Nicholas the dolphin picks the favorite of the match, France, as the tournament champion. In a display of true psychic feat, a dolphin trainer throws two balls representing the two countries in the water and the winner is whichever ball Nicholas brings back. Truly an amazing ability.
Buyan the Bear
A Siberian bear named Buyan gave its prediction on the World Cup finals, and it’s going for the underdog, Croatia. The hulking bear living in the Royev Ruchey Zoo in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, displayed its mysterious powers by cleverly devouring a watermelon with the Croatia flag sticking out of it.
Newton the Parrot
A psychic parrot predicted France to be the big winner, but its motives are questionable. Newton the Parrot predicts a winner by knocking a ball into the country’s respective goal. It chose France, however, seeing as Newton lives in the Jardin des Plantes in Paris that could mean the bird is being a bit of a “homer” in its prediction for Sunday.
Of the five animals, Croatia has a slight advantage in picks by three to two although Newton’s choice for France is still up for debate. The world will find out who will win the 2018 World Cup on Sunday.