Why You Should Spend Your Cash on the 'Fallout 76' Power Armor Edition
Treat. Yo. Self.

When the Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition first opened up for preorder it sold out in less than 12 hours. If you were hoping to get your hands on a second wave, then Bethesda’s Pete Hines for crushing that dream, because Bethesda won’t be making any more. Your only option now is to try to score one off an auction.
Which begs the question: Is it worth it?
As far as collector’s editions go, this one is priced a bit above average at $200 dollars. The upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2 features an Ultimate Edition for $100. Rockstar is also offering a Red Dead Redemption 2 collector’s box which contains various goodies such as cards, a bandanna, and a lootbox for $100, but not the actual game which is priced at $60.
If you’re buying Fallout 76 just for the gameplay, then you won’t be missing out an anything by getting a standard edition copy. One of the selling points of special feature game pre-orders is a packaged season pass for cheaper DLC. You won’t have to worry about that in Fallout 76 because all the DLC is free anyway.
That leaves the swag.
As you can see, Power Armor Edition comes with a canvas bag, steel case, figurines, a map of post-apocalypse West Virginia, in-game items, and most importantly, the iconic T-51b power armor helmet with built-in voice modulator. That’s really the only thing people on the fence care about, but is it worth an extra $140?
Well, Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition came with a wearable Pip-Boy for $119 bucks and, generally, people dug it. The Pip-Boy also came with a manual written as if it was in-universe, along with mini-games, a sharp display, and a nice mount so you could show it off in your home or office. That bodes well for the functionality of the wearable T-51b helmet.
Personally, it’s not really my bag, but if you have the money to burn and you’re a super fan, I say go for it. If nothing else, you could build a Halloween costume around it. You don’t even need to gather all the other pieces. Just be creative like this.
Fallout 76 launches on November 14, 2018.