'Fortnite' Season 5 Map: Guide to the New Locations and Changes
From golf carts to golf games, what's new?
by Corey PlanteThe new Season 5 of Fortnite: Battle Royale is here and with it comes tons of changes to the island map brought about by those weird space-time rifts that emerged towards the end of Season 4.
Season 5 kicked off on Thursday morning at 4 a.m. Eastern, ushering in a slew of interdimensional changes to the map. For the most part, there’s nothing too drastic happening anywhere on the map. But plenty of the objects that disappeared via rifts have reappeared in seemingly random locations, like the NOMS sign emerging near Risky Reels or the Durr Burger sign reappearing on top of a hill to the east of Pleasant Park after hanging out in the real-life desert of California.
Many locations, like Haunted Hills or Wailing Woods, remain almost entirely untouched. But plenty of others, like Dusty Divot, have evolved. Others, like Anarchy Acres, are gone entirely.
Here’s the full Season 5 map in all its glory:
The 'Fortnite: Battle Royale' got some radical changes with Season 5.
And here are some of the more specific highlights regarding the many changes to the Fortnite map:
Say goodbye to the 'Fortnite' soccer stadium.
The Soccer Stadium Is Gone, Probably Transported to Another Dimension
The full-sized soccer stadium that used to be in the northwest area of the island is no more. In it’s place is a mostly blank green space.
There is, however, a pretty cool Moai statue seemingly stolen from Easter Island in the real world. (There’s another one at roughly the dead-center of the map.)
Dusty Divot Is Super Lame Now
Trees grew and grew in Dusty Divot throughout Season 4, and here in Season 5 it’s an overgrown and abandoned-looking outpost, like a mix between former Dusty Divot and Wailing Woods. Loot remains roughly the same as before, which was never all that good. For being almost the dead center of the map, that’s kind of a shame.
This Viking ship is seemingly the only instance of time travel on the new Season 5 map.
There’s a Viking Settlement and Longboat on a Mountain to the West
A new unnamed location on the west side of the map has a large Viking longboat docked on the edge of a waterfall (that seems like a bad idea, right?). It’s atop the mountain just east of Snobby Shores. Surrounding the boat is what looks like Viking settlement, implying that this might be the only legitimate piece of time travel in Season 5 so far.
Continuing the theme, a viking warlord going by Ragnarok is also this Season’s equivalent of the Carbide outfit from Season 4 in that it upgrades the further players progress on the Battle Pass.
A huge section to the southeast of the 'Fortnite: Battle Royale' map is now desert in Season 5.
There’s a Desert Surrounding Paradise Palms
Per plenty of theories from the latter half of Season 4, Moisty Mire was indeed replaced by a huge desert on the southeast area of the map with a new named location called Paradise Palms. Unlike what some “leaks” implied, sand wasn’t dropped across the entire map, but it’s still at least 15 percent of the island.
Paradise Palms seems like a luxury resort area with tons of attractions. You can see some dinosaur statues above, but there’s also a retro diner and the racetrack now has golf carts. Speaking of golf carts…
Lazy Links looks like a dope luxury golf course in 'Fortnite: Battle Royale' Season 5. Do they require membership?
A Golf Course Called Lazy Links Replaced Anarchy Acres
Anarchy Acres was always pretty lame, just sitting in the middle of nowhere in the central-northern area of the map. But in Season 5, the area’s been replaced by a new named location called Lazy Links. It’s a very nice golf course, and considering that players can fit an entire squad of four onto one to tool around with sick jumps and power drifts, Lazy Links is a great place to have some fun.
With the introduction of emotes called “toys,” players can even play some almost-legitimate golf games by summoning oversized golf balls and shooting them throughout the course. All they need to do is reach Tier 27 on the Battle Pass to access the new toy.
These changes are only the beginning for the island this season. Considering how the map evolved throughout Season 4, expect the same to happen in Season 5 as the new named locations evolve over time.
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