The Ultimate Guide to 'Fortnite' Season 5 Clues and Theories
What does Epic plan on doing next?

What started off with a rocket launch at the end of June turned into a grand plan by Epic Games to promote Fortnite Season 5. With the new season starting on July 12, the developer spared no expense in promoting the game, from using actors to placing Supply Llamas all across Europe.
Epic is no stranger to hyping up a new season of Fortnite. When Season 3 came to an end, the developer provided various clues in the game the weeks leading up to the start of Season 4. But it went to a whole new level for this new season. To promote Fortnite Season 5, Epic started with some strange occurrences in the game, but then those happenings invaded the real world.
'Fortnite" Cracked Sky
Where It All Started
At the end of June, Epic promoted a one-time event. A rocket launched across all games at the same time as part of the storyline for Season 4. The result was a crack in the sky that began to spread, and portals appeared on the island. Those rifts were key to what would happen next.
Portals Everywhere
After the launch, a portal appeared on a sign for Lonely Lodge. Then a day later, both it and the sign disappeared. The same thing happened for the next several days, which resulted in the disappearance of the giant Durr Burger sign and Mr. Tomato Head from Tomato Town.
Then on Friday, a portal showed up on a hill; and instead of causing something to disappear, an object ended up appearing: a Viking anchor. On Sunday, a stagecoach appeared near Moisty Mire.
One data miner on Twitter has a list of items that were set to be removed and then appear, with just a skeleton left to show up. So where did these missing signs go?
A Real Durr Burger
On Friday, a photographer came across a real Durr Burger sign, similar to the one that disappeared in the game, in a California desert located northeast of LA. At the location was an “agent” who didn’t have many answers, but warned people of an anomaly and provided a card with a phone number to call.
When calling the number, a playback of noise from a portal would start, but that changed on Sunday as a new audio clip was added. It appears the audio clip contained a hidden message with map coordinates. Fortnite fans visited the desert site on Sunday to see a second “agent” show up and additional items add to the area such as a shopping cart.
London 'Fortnite' Supply Llama
Real Supply Llamas
One Reddit user posted an image Monday of a real-life Supply Llama placed in a phone booth located in London, England. The poster described the llamas as fairly solid and not like the easy to break like the llamas in the game. Since then, other Supply Llamas appeared in other parts of Europe including Poland, Spain, Germany, a second one in London, and two in France making seven in total. So far, there has been no explanation on these llamas’ appearance.
The Mask
Epic tweeted Monday a teaser image for Fornite Season 5. The picture is of a cat mask and a portal from the game. There are currently two theories on the mask. The first is that the mask is of Bastet, an ancient Egyptian goddess. A data miner showcased a desert version of the island, and although the validity of this map is questionable, the agreed theme for Fortnite Season 5 is time travel, which would make sense that ancient Egypt would be included. The second theory is that it’s a Kitsune mask. Kitsune is a Japanese mythological creature known to manipulate time and space.
With three days left, Epic probably has more tricks up its sleeve. Players will have to wait until July 12 to finally see what will happen in Fortnite Season 5.