'Game of Thrones' Star's Instagram Goodbye Teases Their Ominous Survival

As shooting of the highly-anticipated Game of Thrones Season 8 winds down, one star’s spoiler-filled goodbye post on Instagram may be teasing an ominous survival. Will Arya Stark, in fact, be the last woman standing?
Over the weekend, Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams shared an Instagram photo of her dirty, possibly bloody Nike kicks from her final day on the HBO show’s set in Belfast, Ireland. “goodbye belfast,” her caption reads. “goodbye arya. goodbye game of thrones. what a joy i’ve had. here’s to the adventures to come.”
Williams then attaches four hashtags: “#lastwomanstanding #barely #immasleepforthenextfouryears #justkiddingidontsleep”
While Williams is certainly due for some well-deserved R&R, that first hashtag is an interesting one. Is Williams referring to her own willpower as an actress on a popular television series? Or is Arya Stark going to be the last woman standing on pop culture’s biggest fantasy franchise with a reputation for killing off anyone and everyone at a moment’s notice?
Game of Thrones Season 8 expectations are as high as they are as vague. Now that the show has surpassed George R.R. Martin’s books in terms of chronological storytelling, it’s anyone’s guess what will go down in Westeros. For Arya in particular, she’s begun butting heads with her sister Sansa (Sophie Turner) not long after their emotional reunion in Season 7. Is Arya primed to get rid of Sansa? That definitely looks like blood on Arya’s sneakers.
Then again, Arya probably won’t be wearing sneakers at any point in Game of Thrones Season 8, unless the showrunners are planning an even bigger twist ending than we expected.
Game of Thrones Season 8 will premiere on HBO in April 2019.