Where to Find 'Fortnite' Taco Shops on the Map for the Week 9 Challenge
It's taco time.

Just like in Season 3, Week 9 of Season 4 sends players hunting for Taco Shops across the Fortnite: Battle Royale map for a Challenge to “Visit 3 different Taco Shops in a single match.”
Fortnite: Battle Royale Week 9 kicked off on Thursday morning at 4 a.m Eastern, and with it came seven new Challenges that have players use a shopping cart and search chests in Moisty Mire. But one of the more difficult ones requires that players visit three Taco Shops in a single match.
Many Challenges similar to this allow players to do specific things or visit certain places across multiple matches, but because you have to visit Taco Shops in a single match, that means you’ll have to hit all three spots without dying a single time. In Season 3 there were five or more Taco Shops across the map, but Season 4 changed things around a little bit.
So what’s the best strategy these days? Seemingly, it’s pretty similar to last season:
This is the most efficient route to try finishing the Challenge to visit Taco Shops in 'Fortnite'.
Tilted Towers is always a bit crowded, but if players land west of the city and start at the Taco Shop with the indoor soccer field, then they might be able to live long enough for Tilted to clear out. If players rush, they can probably proceed directly south through Shifty Shafts to the Taco Shop just south of that.
Alternatively, players could also do the reverse of this, starting at the pit stop south of Shifty Shafts and working your way north. That could conceivably leave more time for Tilted Towers to clear out.
Either way, consider this method high-risk, high-reward.
The other two, slightly safer locations, are in Tomato Town and Retail Row. If players hit both of those, then they can follow it up by ending at Tilted Towers. It all depends, however, on the initial trajectory of the Battle Bus and how the storm closes in.
Players should try to complete this Challenge as quickly as possible, mainly because Season 4 is slated to end on or around July 9.