'Pokemon GO' Community Day: How to Get a Shiny Larvitar
Go enjoy a summer day and catch some Larvitars.

For those who are in parts of the US experiencing a lovely Saturday afternoon, then it’s a great time to take part of the Pokémon GO Community Day to catch a new Pokémon and some other nice bonuses for playing the game during the designated hours.
June’s Pokémon GO Community Day starts at 2 p.m. Eastern and ends at 5 p.m. Eastern on Saturday. The featured Pokémon for this day is the ground-rock Larvitar. As the case with these special events, Niantic turned up the spawn rate for this particular Pokémon meaning they will be all over the area. Since their rate increased, this also means the chance of getting a Shiny Larvitar increased, too. Players who want the Shiny version will have less than a 5 percent chance of catching one. Once caught, players can level it up by giving it candy, and it will eventually evolve into Pupitar. If trainers give it another 100 candy, Pupitar will then take its final form and evolve into Tyranitar, a rock-dark pseudo-legendary Pokémon.
Larvitar isn’t the only bonus players will receive for going outside and playing Pokémon GO for the three-hour window. They’ll also receive three times the XP when catching a Pokémon. Also, lures activated during the event will last for three hours. Trainers will also have a chance to have their Tyranitars learn an exclusive move, Smack Down, if they evolve one during the Community Day event.
Pokémon GO Community Days are Niantic’s way of getting players outside into their neighborhoods and more importantly, get them back to play Pokémon GO. While the game is still popular, it’s nowhere near the frenzy back when the game first released in 2016.
Trainers only have until 5 p.m. Eastern to take advantage of the bonuses from June’s Pokémon GO Community Day. In July, Niantic will put on its second Pokémon GO Fest on July 14-15 in Chicago, Illinois. Players who can’t attend will still have reasons to go outside and catch some Pokémon.
There was little mention of Pokémon GO at E3 2018 this past week. What Nintendo did show was more about Pokémon: Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee that will have a special bundle which includes a Poké Ball Plus to use with Pokémon GO.