George Lucas' Plans for Star Wars Episodes 7-9 Would've Really Made Fans Mad

Not that long ago, in our own galaxy, George Lucas had his own plans for where the Star Wars saga would go in what we now call the “new” trilogy. But when Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012 and de-canonized the expanded universe, the company also outright rejected all of Lucas’ ideas. Specific details about his plans had remained mostly a secret … until now.
On Monday, illustrator Livio Ramondelli uncovered specific details in a companion book to AMC’s James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction, and by Wednesday, it had become a veritable Moment on Twitter. Why? Because it is a total abomination that Star Wars fans would have hated more than The Phantom Menace and way more than The Last Jedi.
Here’s Ramondelli’s original tweet, which reveals that Lucas’ plan was to “get into a microbiotic world” full of “creatures that operate differently than we do.” In some way, these tiny creatures would control the universe and feed off the Force. But a movie about something this insane would look far more alien than anything Star Wars has ever shown before.
Yeah … it sounds like Lucas took some peyote one day while reading A Wind at the Door and somehow thought this would be a good way to explain the Force.
At least Lucas realizes that fans would have hated this, because of the idea’s connection to the much-hated midi-chlorian concept introduced in The Phantom Menace.
These “Whills” would also kind of create a chicken or the egg causality dilemma. Do they cause a greater concentration of midi-chlorians in creatures, therefore allowing a greater amount of Force to flow through them? Or do the Whills appear inside organisms in greater concentration because that’s where all the Force is? And how do they even relate to midi-chlorians? Anyway, there’s not much use in trying to figure this out, because this story will never happen.
Jiang Wen and Donnie Yen as Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe in 'Rogue One'
Fans might recognize the term “Whills” most recently from Rogue One, because Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus call themselves “Guardians of the Whills.” But the terms’ origins are from much longer ago.
“Whills” has been recycled in various forms over the last 50 years, but it originates in the dark corners of George Lucas’ creative mind. The Journal of the Whills, Part I was the name originally given to his partial outline that would become A New Hope. In its earliest form, this Journal was a narrative device through which R2-D2 recounts the deeds of the Skywalker family.
And in Revenge of the Sith, Yoda says that Qui-Gon Jinn essentially learned how to create a Force ghost by studying the “Ancient Order of the Whills.” There are, however, several inconsistencies across Star Wars canon that make divining the “real” nature of the Whills virtually impossible.
To quote the very dead Han Solo, “That’s not how the Force works!”