The Final 'Fantastic Four' Flirts With Doom
More of the same stuff, really.

Twentieth Century Fox has just put up the final trailer for its upcoming Fantastic Four, and it’s got a lot going on, including a very blonde Kate Mara. Zoey Barnes is truly dead.
The trailer was first screened at this past San Diego Comic-Con and then went kind of under the radar (failing to go viral as these things are supposed to). It’s not surprising; we’ve seen a good chunk of the movie for months, and Batman v. Superman and Ash vs. the Evil Dead sucked up all the oxygen. Maybe they should retitle it: The Fantastic v. The Four. Zing.
There’s not much purpose in smack talking this movie as trailers aren’t necessarily indicative and it will be a juggernaut regardless. But the central problem will likely be the same as in previous F4 release — the main dude is kind of dull. The idea of making Reed Richards into a brainy rascal isn’t half bad, but his glasses and her blonde hair don’t really qualify as characterization. We’ll see, but the fact that we didn’t see this blow up Twitter already is indicative of the general reaction.