Leaked 'Fortnite' Week 5 Challenges Reveal First Look at Gravity Stones
They're not Hop Rocks.
by Oscar GonzalezWhen Epic Games updates Fortnite on Tuesday, the developer will also switch the Weekly Challenges. The Week 5 Challenges are your standard fare, but there’s one challenge of the bunch that will make most players wonder, “What the hell is a gravity stone?”
Fortnite Tracker posted the Week 5 Challenges on Friday. As always, there are seven challenges with a mix of eliminating opponents and searching for chests, but the unique challenge this week is the “Search Gravity Stones.” Some players may confuse Gravity Stones with Hop Rocks, the gems scattered in the various craters across the map that let players jump higher for a short period of time. This could mean the stones will be added just like the rubber ducks and gnomes.
Leaked Week 5 'Fortnite' Challenges
Another tough challenge will be the “Follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove.” It’ll be a matter of finding the map, figuring out where to go, and then going to the spot if hopefully still alive. Another tricky challenge will be the Minigun or Light Machine Gun eliminations. Although it’s only two, finding those weapons will take some time. Getting chests from Dusty Divot will also lead to some deaths since the area can be crowded sometimes.
Using a jetpack could also take some time since there are not many available in a match, but if Epic gives credits for using jetpacks in the new Close Encounter limited time mode, then it will be a quick five Battle Stars.
Last week, Epic applied the latest update without any downtime. It could do it again on Tuesday, but it may depend on how big of an update it will be.
Also earlier in the week, Epic tweeted about ways to be safe from fake Fortnite Android apps. These malware-riddled apps can cause phones to be taken over and have personal data stolen.