'Fortnite' Jetpacks: Release Date, Features, How to Use Them, and More
Fly around like the Rocketeer.

Tuesday’s update for Fortnite will get players high as Epic Games plans to release a new jetpack as part of another limited time mode. Keep an eye on the skies or else fall victim to a shotgun blast from above.
The official Fortnite Twitter account announced the jetpack news Monday. “Strap in and blast off with Jetpacks in the v4.2 Content Update,” it tweeted. Tuesday’s patch will happen at 8 a.m. Eastern. Epic expects no downtime when applying the new update so Fortnite players won’t have to wait around or have something like sleep interrupt their gaming.
While the Fortnite developer did not provide any details of how the jetpacks will work, fortunately enough, data miners found out about the new item days ago. A thread on the Fortnite subreddit last Friday had an image of the description for the new limited time mode called “Close Encounters.” It looks like jetpacks will be scattered across the island and have limited use.
Data mined Close Quarter Combat description.
“Close Quarters Combat with Shotguns & Jetpacks,” the description says. “If you find a jetpack, double-tap the jump button to take off. Keep the button held down to apply thrust. Make sure to land before it runs out of fuel.”
Players will have to wait until Tuesday morning to fly the skies with their jetpacks in Fortnite: Battle Royale. The update will start at 8 a.m. Eastern and there will be no downtime. Like other limited time modes, the new mode will be available for a week.
Expect Fortnite players to make use of the jetpacks in both combat and in funny videos like the recent Vines recreation. Along with the new item, Tuesday’s update will also include the new Week 4 Challenges. One of the easiest challenges will have players find a Battle Star between a bench, an ice cream truck, and a helicopter..