Deadpool Crashes Stephen Colbert's Monologue, Spoils 'Infinity War' Ending
by James GrebeyDeadpool 2 has a couple of amazing cameos in it that we’re not going to spoil just yet, but the Merc With a Mouth made an IRL cameo when he dropped by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night to make fun of the host, Ryan Reynolds, Donald Trump, and the ending of Avengers: Infinity War.
Ryan Reynolds, the actor who plays Deadpool, wasn’t supposed to be the guest on Tueday’s episode of The Late Show. That honor went to Jamie Foxx, so Deadpool made his unexpected appearance at the beginning of the episode. As Colbert rattled off all the superhero movies that are coming out this year and wondered when audiences would get sick of the genre, Deadpool emerged from the shadows.
“Is it Deadpool 2? I bet it’s Deadpool 2, the Merc says.
From there, Deadpool kind of takes the reins. He calls Colbert “Jimmy,” and quips that late night hosts are indeed kind of like superheroes because they’re mostly white guys. Deadpool also calls Ryan Reynolds an asshole, which seems harsh.
“You’re not gonna believe this but Donald Trump is in the news,” Deadpool says once he begins to read Colbert’s prepared monologue. “The administration is still dealing with the fallout from announcing that the U.S. will be pulling out of the Iran deal. It’s Trump’s biggest pulling out blunder since Eric.”
Pretty good burn, but all good things must come to an end. Deadpool, suddenly, doesn’t feel so good, echoing Spider-Man’s tragic ending in Avengers: Infinity War. As he turns to dust, Deadpool curses Thanos’s name. Man, Josh Brolin really has it out for him.
Deadpool 2 opens on May 18.