‘Fortnite’ Rubber Duck Locations: Where to Find Every Ducky on the Map
Along with some strategies.
by Corey PlanteThe latest weird hunt across the map in Week 3 of Fortnite: Battle Royale’s Season 4 has players splashing around looking for Rubber Duckies. They’re a bit larger than your typical IRL Rubber Duckies and come with an audio cue — a mournful squeak — that triggers when you get close, so tracking them down isn’t that difficult. But actually finding ten of them to complete the Challenge can be fairly time-consuming.
Much like comparable Challenges involving cameras, gnomes, or the letters in “F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E,”, players can hunt for the ducks in separate matches until the end of the current season. But if you’re looking to get this Challenge completed sooner rather than later, we’ve got you covered with an in-depth look at the precise location of every Rubber Ducky available.
As always, if you’re hoping to get multiple ducks in a single match, start on the outside of the map and work your way inland, based on the starting trajectory of the Battle Bus. Here’s a map that includes all of the locations of the Rubber Duckies:
That's a whole lot of Rubber Duckies on the 'Fortnite' map.
- In the southern section of Moisty Mire, there’s a Rubber Ducky in a small pool of water that’s northwest of the Crab statue
- The swampy area to the north of Moisty Mire has one more duck in the water just outside a wooden shack on the water.
- The southeast corner of Retail Row has a Rubber Ducky just sitting on the ground near what might be a tall water tower.
- Sitting in the bathtub in the first-floor bathroom of the broken house in the northwest section of Retail Row is another dry Rubber Ducky.
- If you land just south of where the map reads Lonely Lodge, you can find a Rubber Ducky in the southernmost part of the stream that flows north.
- Follow that same stream north to the end, over the waterfall, and you’ll find another Ducky in the pool of water.
- On a cliff you probably didn’t know existed, where the river runs right off the northern edge of the map, there’s a ducky.
- Under the bridge that runs over the river, tucked away near some rocks right next to a vehicle stuck nose-down into the ground.
- Up in section D2 of the map (northwest of Anarchy Acres), there’s a ducky in an outdoor swimming pool that’s part of some kind of leisure center.
- On the far northeast end of Loot Lake, there’s a ducky right between a pier and a boat.
- On the southern end of Loot Lake, there’s one under the waterfall that leads down towards Tilted Towers.
- Snobby Shores has a ducky in the swimming pool that comes with the second southernmost property.
- North of Greasy Grove, there’s the indoor soccer field (where you can also find a camera). The building also has a duck in the shower area in the southwest corner.
- On the south side of Greasy Grove, there’s a Rubber Ducky inside a water tank, which means you’ll have to destroy the tank with your pickaxe.
- The hill that overlooks Flush Factory from the north has a ducky inside a toilet that you’ll have to break. Gross.
- Out front of the main building at Flush Factory, there’s a ducky inside the pole that supports the toilet statue.
- The southernmost point on the entire map, where the river meets the ocean, has yet another Rubber Ducky that’s next to Lucky Landing.
- Under the bridge that crosses over the river west of Lucky Landing, there’s a ducky next to an ice cream truck that’s tipped over.
- Just south of Fatal Fields, there’s a pond with a duck that’s under the tree on the northern end of the water.
- The L-shaped stream just north of Fatal Fields has a ducky under the shade of a tree.
Some advisable routes include starting at Lonely Lodge, Lucky Landing, or Flush Factory. It should be fairly easy for you to get two in a single match, especially if you focus exclusively on Rubber Duckies. Places like Fatal Fields and Retail Row tend to get more foot traffic, especially earlier in matches, so they make for good places to go after you’ve already gotten a few ducks. If you stick to these tips, it should take you no more than three or so matches to complete this Challenge.
Have a quacktastic time.