Deadpool 2: Unofficial Movie Posters Look Incredible, Become Official
Long-running indie art website DeviantArt released on Tuesday the winners of a Deadpool 2-centric art competition that saw indie artists put their own spin on a movie poster for the anti-super hero super hero movie, which comes out May 18. The results are incredible. Here’s what some of the best-known sci-fi and fantasy artists came up with for the contest which was put on in conjunction with the 20th Cenutry Fox and IMAX theaters. We felt compelled to share this unofficial posters that became official.
Honored as a contestant for this *Deadpool 2* poster, [Alice X. Zhang](https://alicexz.deviantart.com/)'s dreamy, fine-art illustration shows Deadpool at his most human and dramatic. There are no explosions or flying tacos (more on that later) and his sword is not drawn; his gun his holstered. This is Deadpool at both his most realistic and surreal.
Delicious tacos everywhere: [Jarreau Wimberly](https://reau.deviantart.com/)'s take on a *Deadpool 2* movie poster goes all in on tacos and also sees Deadpool upside-down in the frame, both shooting a hand gun and wielding a sword, his eyes focused on the enemy ahead, as mushroom-like explosions rise in the sky behind him.
Fun fact: This poster has at least 25 tacos in it. Wimberly was recognized with an honorable mention for this spicy work.
Artist [Patrick Brown](https://patrickbrown.deviantart.com/)'s poster -- which won third prize -- sees Deadpool riding a little pink pony with unblinking eyes as it shoots through the air forced by some mystery explosion. Despite the calamity, Deadpool seems almost triumphant, with his left first raised in the air in a moment of victory. Falling out of his little pink backpack is a magazine with the headline "UGLIEST MAN ALIVE!" -- a subtle reference to [Ryan Reynolds' own "sexiest man alive" *People* magazine cover story](https://peopledotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/reynolds-sma-768.jpg) in 2010.
This poster art will be turned into a collective ticket that will be issued to people who see Deadpool 2 on May 18 at an IMAX Regal Cinema. They’ll also get a promo code to get a free mini poster from Regal.
The second-place winner is artist [John Gallagher](https://uncannyknack.deviantart.com/), whose take on Deadpool includes floating Pabst Blue Ribbon cans, Deadpool-branded hand grenades and our hero, presented upside down and using his sword as a self-stick.
A miniature version of this poster will be given to people who see the movie in an IMAX theater on opening night, May 17.
Congratulations to [Andy Fairhust](https://www.andyfairhurstart.com/), who won first place for this imagining of Deapool skitching on a New York City taxi while riding a child's bicycle (complete with training wheels). DeviantArt says it "will be printed and displayed in select IMAX theatre lobby cases in the United States and Canada. Perhaps Fairhurst's background as the author of a children's novel inspired this kid-focused work.
He’s also a member of the Poster Posse, a collective of artists from around the globe who aim to “deliver art that resonates with the masses to get people talking, sharing, and craving more.”