How to Watch the Essential Marvel Movies Before ‘Avengers: Infinity War’
I don’t know if you heard, but Avengers: Infinity War is out on Friday, the first film in a two-movie event that is the culmination of over 10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. No one knows what’s going to be left in place once the dust settles after Infinity War and its still untitled 2019 sequel. Will Captain America still be alive? Will Spider-Man still be Peter Parker? Will… the universe still exist? It’s honestly all a toss-up.
The cast list for Infinity War is intimidating, as is the sheer amount of knowledge required to (presumably) understand what the hell’s going on in Marvel’s wildly ambitious flagship blockbuster. With 18 films already under its belt, Marvel Studios have crafted an intricate franchise with information spread near and far about the Infinity Stones, the Mad Titan Thanos, and whatever the hell a “Kree” is. We’ve already put together a list of the films you need to watch before the big one. Here’s where to find them.
*Iron Man*
The one that started it all. Jon Favreau’s adaptation of a Marvel B-character not only revived a franchise (and an actor in Robert Downey Jr.), it also holds up as a fun, fast standalone film to this day.
*Captain America: The First Avenger*
The first Captain America succeeds even up against its flashier counterparts, in part because it leans into the hokey and optimistic characterization that plagued the title character for so long. We also get our first look at an Infinity Stone–not that we knew that at the time.
The Avengers*
Infinty War will be bigger, but what Marvel Studios achieved with the first Avengers is nothing short of miraculous. It moves along at an impressive pace, allows each member of the ensemble their own moments and motivations, and, of course, has one of the only legitimately GREAT comic book movie villains.
*Captain America: The Winter Soldier*
Believe it or not, The Winter Soldier was the first big-budget action movie ever from the Russo Brothers, who are directing both upcoming Avengers movies. You wouldn’t know. It’s a well-assembled and surprisingly emotional film that has major ramifications for everything that comes after it.
*Guardians of the Galaxy*
Somehow, only four years ago, the only bankable MCU solo characters were Thor, Iron Man, Captain America and, to an extent, the Hulk. James Gunn changed all that with Guardians of the Galaxy, and opened up an entire new universe to explore in the process.
*Avengers: Age of Ultron*
Admittedly Not the MCU’s greatest hour, Age of Ultron still has its moments. Not least, the creation of Vision, a synthetic humanoid imbued with the power of the Mind Stone, who can do some pretty wild stuff with Thor’s hammer.
*Captain America: Civil War*
A simple technicality of this being called Captain America prevents this from being viewed as an Avengers movie. But… it’s an Avengers movie. We haven’t heard from a lot of Civil War’s participants since, so you might want to remind yourself where everyone stands before you head into Infinity War.
*Doctor Strange*
Psychedelic, fun, and, quite appropriately, strange. Doctor Strange introduces us to some important concepts the MCU has built on since, and debuts the Time Stone in a big way.
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*Thor: Ragnarok*
Taika Waititi’s Thor: Ragnarok, arguably the funniest and most unique film film in the MCU, stands on its own very easily. All the same, the final third of the film is essential viewing for people who want to make sure they’re up to date on the whereabouts of some of the universe’s “bigger” names.
*Black Panther*
Wakanda is going to play a major role in Infinity War, as is King T’Challa, the Black Panther. This is essential viewing in understanding what will be the beating heart of the biggest movie of the summer.
(Oops! Still in theaters for another couple of weeks! Go see it. It’s good.)