11 Things on Amazon for Every Dog in the World
Now you can be man's best friend's best friend.

Here are some things dogs love in no particular order: Chewing on stuff; Playing; Being nice; Destroying everything you own; Protecting you at all costs; You; Everyone; Everything. Dogs are nature’s triumph and masters of contradiction. They will improve your life immensely, and also will ruin your social life and every single thing you possess that you once held dear. Worth it.
Perhaps the biggest challenge with dogs, on par with taking them on their 7 a.m. walk when you’re blindingly hungover on a Saturday, is keeping them engaged and entertained. While not exactly the neuroscientists of the animal kingdom (I hear it’s pigs), dogs still need plenty of mental stimulation, along with all that exercise and food you’re constantly giving them. Here is the very best stuff for your pup (and, hell, one thing for you), however big or small or cute or fearsome they may be.