The Real Villain of 'Wolverine: The Long Night' Could Still Be Sabretooth

The latest episode of Wolverine: The Long Night hints at cosmic forces existing far beyond the realm of mere mutants, but in the off chance that the monster ravaging people isn’t some kind of werewolf related to the ley lines converging in Burns, then the more likely culprit is Logan’s long-lost brother Sabretooth.
Based on the newly-revealed monster behind all these attacks, it seems totally possible that the real culprit here is actually Sabretooth.
Spoilers follow for Wolverine: The Long Night Episode 6: “Archaeology of the Night”
The typical Wolverine story puts Logan somewhere in snowy Canada with huge chunks of his memory missing where he guzzles whiskey, gets in barfights, and gets attacked by Sabretooth every now and then. It’s what we got in several comics storylines, the Nineties cartoon, and several times over from Hugh Jackman’s live-action version. Since Wolverine: The Long Night began, most of us expected the same. But the show has done everything to defy our expectations, surrounding Logan with enemy after enemy that has no comic book precedent.
Sabretooth in 'X-Men' (2000).
In this new episode, we learn that Dinah Moses lost most of an arm and that her leg was shredded. Agent Pierce visits Dinah while she’s still in a coma, and Pierce notices that the bite mark on her body has the same number of teeth as a human but the bite radius is three times the size of any man. So that poor bear that got murdered last week was definitely a scapegoat.
Agent Marshall tracks down Dinah’s son Johnny who saw the massive beast. He tells Agent Marshal that it had “huge claws, huge eyes, huge everything” and was “tall as a basketball hoop.” Considering this show has made it very clear exactly how small Logan is, we now know for sure that he’s not to blame.
We actually hear audio of the attack on Dinah, where she shoots and wounds some man-beast creature twice with a shotgun. But it survives and stumbles off.
Curiously, Johnny does say, “It wasn’t a ‘him’, it was a —“ but he’s cut off. Is this him trying to convey that this thing was more beast than it was man? Or could this monster be female? If these monsters are somehow created by the Aurora cult, then it would explain why they’ve been so obsessed with recruiting women — because they’re transformed into the monsters.
Dinah Moses was protesting the Langrocks, and next thing we know, she’s attacked by this monster, which only makes everything more confusing. Are the Aurora Cult and the Langrock’s working together somehow? Or do the Langrocks have access to creating the monster(s)?
“The Night begins and ends here,” cult leader Nicholas Prophet says in the episode’s opening. “There is a power here that is coursing beneath our very feet, and it will soon — with the equinox — be unchambered and resurrected.” The titular “Long Night,” apparently happens at the equinox and relates somehow to the ley lines, but does it have something to do with unleashing a beast upon the world?
Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting in 'X-Men' (2000).
Admittedly, The Long Night has been notoriously short on Marvel or X-Men references so far, so it would almost be surprising for things to change in the last few episodes. But keep in mind, despite being six episode into this 10-episode story, we still haven’t met Logan at all in the narrative. Every piece of Logan dialogue from actor Richard Armitage we’ve gotten from second-hand accounts or from dramatic readings of Logan’s writing. Agents Marchal and Pierce haven’t actually interacted with him yet.
So it’s totally feasible that if/when we do finally encounter Logan, we’ll learn that all of these strange supernatural occurrences relate back to mutants somehow. But for now, the mystery of The Long Night remains deeper and darker than ever before.
Wolverine: The Long Night is only available on Stitcher Premium, with new episodes out every Monday.