Uber Forgets Cars Can't Take the Stairs, Gets Stuck in Pedestrian Stairwell
That's one way to get riders to their destination quickly.

An Uber car got stuck on a public stairway in San Francisco on Monday afternoon, ostensibly suggesting that’s one way to get riders to their destination quickly.
The white Toyota Camry, adorned with an official Uber sticker, is said to have had a “freak accident,” according to the local police department, when its driver attempted to tread down a stairway. The incident occurred at 2020 Market Street in front of a Safeway store, whose sign can be seen in the police tape. The police department initially identified the driver as a senior citizen.
While there were no injuries reported, the car had the driver and two passengers in it at the time of the blunder. Turns out, driver blamed the mistake on a confusing GPS direction given by the Uber app out of the Safeway parking lot.
During the tow truck clean up, the driver, named Fred, told Business Insider he was using the official Uber map app, which instructed him to turn down the stairs at the time of the accident. He has been driving with Uber for less than a year, the report states.
But the driver didn’t put all the blame on Uber’s wonky navigation system. He noted that the Safeway should do something about the design of its parking lot’s exit to help better guide drivers out of there.
Understandably, Fred has vowed to never drive on or around the stairway again.