How to Stream the New 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Sound Documentary

This article has been updated.
The sounds of Star Wars are arguably more important than any of the visuals. What set the now-classic saga apart from other sci-fi/fantasy epics in the Seventies and Eighties was its unique, and organic sound design. Now, a new documentary will explore that sound tradition for The Last Jedi.
On Tuesday, ABC Features debuted a new documentary called The Force of Sound. Specifically focusing on the sound design for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the documentary details the organic processes by which several of the sound effects were made for the film. From porgs, to the ice foxes of the planet Crait, nearly all the sounds were bespoke new for the film.
“Sound is not just a layer we put on top of the storytelling, it is the storytelling,” director Rian Johnson says in the trailer. The documentary will also directly address the film’s most controversial sound decision: a moment sound is intentionally not used at all. Speaking about the scene in which Admiral Holdo’s hyperspace jump actually creates a soundless moment, Johnson says the decision “felt kind of radical,” and admits he wondered “can we get away with this?”
The new documentary is streaming now on
You can watch the whole thing right here.
If you want to stream the documentary on your TV, you’ll need to get one of the ABC News apps for your Roku, Apple TV or Xbox. At this time, the documentary is not expected to air on network television
Lucasfilm has also just announced a release date for The Last Jedi on Blu-ray.