Step Up Your Super Bowl Party Game with These Affordable Finds
Throw away those 10-year-old TV trays.

As that old adage goes: Are you ready for some football? Doesn’t matter; here it comes. Whether you’re pumped for the big game, or couldn’t care less, the Super Bowl is this Sunday, which means for some of you a scramble to plan a sick football-watching (ahem, commercial-watching) celebration. Major hurdles to Super Bowl Party planning include (but aren’t limited to) making sure you have enough seats to accommodate your pals and enough clear surfaces to accommodate your good-ass snacks and beers. Then you have to make sure you have enough cups to accommodate everyone’s beer. Finally, it’s best that everyone isn’t eating out of Tupperware.
Here, then, are some of the most magnificent feats of engineering seen on Amazon: affordable kitchenware to serve your gross snacks out of, and some folding chair and tables that don’t look like utter trash you might’ve salvaged from behind a condemned community theater.
9. Libbey Province Glass Set (16 Count)
It doesn’t get better than this for less than $20: sixteen (!) perfectly adult drinking glasses for cocktails, beer, water, you name it. [Amazon, $27]
8. Need Office Desk 47” Folding Table
Billed as more of an “office desk”, but certainly a worthwhile addition to the classiest of Super Bowl Sunday get-togethers. Then you can use it as an office desk. [Amazon, $108]
7. Over and Back 4-Piece Serving Bowls
Upgrade your nacho/guac serving game with some respectable chinaware. [Amazon, $45]
6. Kijaro Dual Lock Chair
An affordable camping chair that wouldn’t look super out of place in a crowded living room, either. It’s tough, versatile, has two – count ‘em – two drinks holders, and packs up real nice and small. [Amazon, $24.99]
5. Table Mate II Folding TV Tray
This little baby damn near folds flat, and comes with its own drink holder. Perfect for smaller Super Bowl parties where you want to give your guests a more personal, individualized experience. [Amazon, $39.95]
4. Lifver 10-inch Porcelain Serving Platters, Set of 4
Everything looks classier on long square plates, even a bunch of mozzarella sticks you panic-bought from the nearest pizza place you could find. It’s just a fact. [Amazon, $24]
3. Flash Furniture 6-pack HERCULES Series Black Plastic Folding Chairs
For when you really, really overbooked your viewing party. If you’ve got the storage space for afterwards, splurging on a six-pack of sturdy folding seats that can hold 330 lbs apiece. [Amazon, $130.81]
2. Cosco Resin Top Folding Table
A cheap, but not cheap-looking table ideal for groaning under the weight of an ungodly amount of chips n’ dip, pizzas, and whatever other carb-plus-cheese concoctions you can reasonably imagine. [Amazon, $32.52]
1. Sundale Five-Position Multiangle Folding Chair
What even is this thing? it looks like a cool bug, but one that can support your weight and recline in a bunch of different positions. Ideal for casual fans since you can lower this thing further and further towards the ground as the Pats storm their way to another goddamn trophy. [Amazon, $53]
BONUS: And Now a Grown-Up Nachos Recipe You Can Make in Minutes
Wow your friends with a giant effin’ plate of nachos that aren’t gross, sticky, warmed over, and from Taco Bell. [AllRecipes]