17 Pairs of Sick Socks to Keep Your Toes Not Froze This Winter
For the classiest – and coziest – occasions.

Buying and maintaining a good sock drawer seems like awful boring work, especially when the dang things are so easy to lose. But! You’re wrong. Sock-buying can be a fulfilling, almost zen-like experience that helps you simultaneously ask and answer the questions “what kind of sock person am I?” Fun? Novelty? Colorful? Warm? Utilitarian? There’s room for all.
17. Goodthreads Five-Pack Patterned Socks
Goodthreads, the Amazon-exclusive apparel store, delivers exactly what it promises: Good, simple everyday basics. These socks are no exception. [Amazon, $15.00]
16. Marino Fun Dress Socks, 12-Pack
Advertised as “Colorful Funky Socks for Men”, and for good reason! It’s a good price for a dozen pairs of socks, which will liven up every outfit you wear for nearly two weeks without having to do laundry. [Amazon, $31.99]
15. Okiss Cotton Dress Socks
Some nice winter colors in Okiss’s lineup, which are some of the hardest-wearing socks you’re gonna find for this good a price. [Amazon, $16.99]
14. Arctic Extreme Heat-Trapping Insulated Thermal Socks
No two ways about it: these bad boys are warm as hell. Kick your way through as many snowbanks as you want while you’re wearing these. [Amazon, $24.00]
13. HSELL Famous Painting Art Printed Dress Socks
For the deep, introspective socks-wearer, these say “I’ve been to a museum” just as loudly as they say “I’m one of those fun socks people”.[Amazon, $14.99]
12. OnceMeet Wool Thick Warm Crew Socks
Now we’re talkin’. Look at these guys. Imagine padding around your house in these toasty things. You don’t have to imagine it! You can live it. [Amazon, $14.99]
11. Morecoo Colorful Patterned Stripe Dress Socks
I love the wacky design on these, and since I have flawless taste when it comes to garish socks (I own DOZENS of pairs), this is an endorsement you can trust. [Amazon, $15.99]
10. LifeWheel Four-Pack Warm Wool Blend Thermal Socks
Subtle, stylish, and warm as hell. A worthy upgrade to any sock drawer. [Amazon, $15.99]
9. Gold Toe Premium Over the Calf Dress Socks
These things have, would you believe it, gold toes, and run longer than a lot of standard socks. Great for longer days with more walking where you still want to feel a little fancy. [Amazon, $18.98]
8. HSELL Multicolored Fun Pattern Crew Socks
For people who aren’t afraid to be “a little much” occasionally. [Amazon, $12.99]
7. JOYNÉE Thermal Cushion Kint Merino Wool Socks
These extra-luxurious merino wool socks have earned that snooty French accent mark. [Amazon $19.99]
6. KONY Combed Cotton Dress Socks
KONY 2018! [Amazon, $9.90]
5. Mat & Vic’s Classic European Socks 10 Pack
A quick, effective, not-super-flashy option. Has the added bonus of automatically becoming nine pairs when you inevitably lose two individual socks within the first week. [Amazon, $29.99]
4. OLIVE OLIVIA Knit Crew Socks
No fuss. A crisp, clean four-pack of some very well-made linen socks. [Amazon, $13.99]
3. Kirkland Cushion Foot Socks
The kind of socks your grandpa would wear. But in a cool, good, throwback kinda way. [Amazon, $8.86]
2. Tie Bar Texture Diamonds Cotton Blend Socks
The Tie Bar is well-known for its affordable, convenient, high-quality online selection, and this pair of classy long-lasting socks is up there with the best of ‘em. [Amazon, $9.99]
1. MIRMARU Performance Outdoor Socks
These socks don’t judge, and will let you do whatever the hell you feel like outside while staying warm and dry all day. [Amazon, $27.99]