A Dozen DC Fans Really, Really Want a Zack Snyder 'Justice League' Cut

Months after Batman rallied the Justice League to arms to reanimate Superman and save the world, Justice League fans are rallying to reanimate director Zack Snyder’s original vision. On Saturday, a small group of dedicated DC fans, some decked out in Justice League cosplay, gathered in front of Warner Bros. studios in Burbank, California, to demand a Justice League director’s cut from Snyder.
Justice League sound editor Scott Hecker and cinematographer Fabian Wagner even told Inverse in December that there’s plenty of material for a director’s cut. So, the footage is there; the question is whether or not a director’s cut would do anything to help the film, which was railed by critics and opened November 17, 2017, to a disheartening $94 million.
Synder, who’s been the DC Extended Universe’s gritty guiding light (for the most part), stepped away from Justice League during post-production after a family tragedy. Joss Whedon — known for shepherding Marvel’s The Avengers in 2012 — took over as director and actually ended up reshooting what’s rumored to be quite a bit of the movie. There were even rumors in August 2017 that Whedon saved the previously “unwatchable” film.
The problem is that most critics (and a lot of DC fans to boot) agree that the final cut of the film that came out in theaters was… not great. So, if the version from before Whedon stepped in was “unwatchable,” just how bad was it?
None of this is stopping hardcore Snyder fans from demanding a director’s cut, though. As the godfather of the DCEU, Snyder ushered Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice into being and, for better or worse, kicked off DC’s answer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And while Justice League certainly wasn’t the critically adored blockbuster DC was clearly hoping for, it seems there are still fans willing to fight for it.
Read Inverse’s review of Justice League right here.