
One of the Best Marvel Movies of the Year Just Hit Netflix

by Ryan Britt

Look, we just figured out what you’re doing tonight. One of the best Marvel movies of the year, and perhaps of all time, just hit Netflix. That’s right, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is available to stream as of Monday, and you know you want to rewatch it.

Here are a few reasons why. First, it easily has the best introduction scene of any comic book movie ever. Even if I were to describe every single thing that happens in the excellent “Mr. Blue Sky” opening sequence, it wouldn’t ruin a thing. I mean, there’s a reason why this scene inspired a meme in which fans recreated a ton of other movies in the same exact style.

Second, despite the fact that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 obviously has enough CGI to fill a star cruiser, there are a surprising amount of practical effects in the movie, too. Chris Pratt and company flew real jetpack rigs. Yes, really!

The production design of this film also built upon the excellent design of the first film, but designer Scott Chambliss told Inverse back in May that he tried “to approach each new ship design with a fresh eye,” meaning the spaceships in Guardians 2 are seriously lit.

Finally, surprising no one, the soundtrack for this movie was excellent. Was it better than the first movie? That’s a tricky claim, but the inclusion of the previously mentioned ELO track “Mr. Blue Sky” and the George Harrison classic “My Sweet Lord” are both pretty sweet.

So, get ready for a ton of ‘80s references, some saucy Chris Pratt one-liners, and more Baby Groot than you can handle. The A-holes in space are back.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is streaming on Netflix now.

Have you ever wondered how the Guardians travel so dang fast? Check out this video where a theoretical physicist explains wormhole travel.

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