Watch in Horror as This Man Dismantles a Gigantic Yellow Jacket Nest
It's huge.

Some things can never be unseen, and a video of a gigantic hornets’ nest being disturbed by the man tasked with removing it is one of those things.
On Tuesday, an insect-removing superhero named Jude Verret posted a truly terrifying video to his Youtube account, Stinger Creations, detailing his recent encounter with an enormous wasps’ nest.
“We got here, what I would say, is the grandaddy of hornets’ nests,” he says as he surveys the massive humming structure that’s taken over half of an outdoor shed, before stating that the insects are in fact European yellow jackets.
Based in Morgan City, Louisiana, Verret runs an insect removal and bee keeping company called Stinger Creations. The man has clearly done this before, so there’s no need to get too stressed out as you watch.
With a go-pro attached to his body to provide the most nail-biting visual experience, Varret starts to dismantle the nest, which has managed to engulf several contents of the shed, including metal rods, screen window frames and a basketball.
As he tries to narrate what he’s looking at, the buzz of the yellow jackets is so loud it overpowers any other sound. Dressed in a white hazmat suite with gloved hands, viewers get to watch in horror as he physically rips apart the nest’s mass. At time of writing his first video had been viewed over 63,000 times.
In this second video, he starts spraying down the dismantled nest with insecticide. Then he pulls out a gigantic piece, the central organism of the nest.
Based on the sheer number of yellow jackets, this nest had multiple queens, and you can see them up close when Verret lays the entire thing out on the grass after removing it from the shed.
Yellow jackets are a common wasp in North America. Generally, wasp nests don’t last through the winter, but in temperate climates like Louisiana, a nest can endure through the winter months if the days don’t get too cold.
A mild winter can allow the worker wasps to keep building the nest, eventually forming humongous structures and breeding colonies of hundreds of thousands of yellow jackets. Attics, barns, and even old cars can serve as the perfect ground zero for a gigantic yellow jacket colony.
Collecting honey from bees is now as easy as turning on a tap. Check out this video to find out how.