Another Batman Easter Egg Wasn't Even the Biggest Reveal on 'Arrow'

It’s a new era on Arrow. As Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) dodges suspicion that he is the Green Arrow, his BFF Diggle (David Ramsey) has taken his as the hooded vigilante. Unfortunately, in this week’s episode “Next of Kin,” Diggle shows that he doesn’t lead like Oliver, which leads to some bad team coordination during mission ops throughout the episode. Also, there’s another Batman reference, the second one this season.
Let’s get the Batman reference out of the way. For those wondering if “Overwatch,” aka Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) will ever change her name to “Oracle,” you were given a bone! In the ongoing plot involving Felicity and Curtis (aka “Mr. Terrific”) creating their own tech start-up, the name “Oracle” — the master hacker identity adopted by Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl once upon a time — was crossed out on Felicity’s ideas board. It’s still taken since the last time they tried it in Season 4, apparently.
Anyway, the real drama going on in Arrow is John Diggle. Since the Season 5 finale on Lian Yu, Diggle has been dealing with “tremors.” Nip/Tuck called it the “yips.” Whatever it is, it’s a psychological reflex that’s stopping Diggle from shooting guns and being his badass self. And for a while, the episode plays it off like it’s a non-issue, with Diggle waving it off no problem. He’s good again, he says, and even proves it by shooting bullseyes with the “Green Monster,” a new automatic crossbow created by Curtis and Felicity in a scene that calls back Oliver in Season 1.
"Overwatch" sounds like a video game, anyway.
But as revealed in the credits, Diggle is actually on a dangerous drug that temporarily gives him control of his own body. Our man Diggle is in trouble, so expect this to last until at least the mid-season finale in December. That crossbow is cool as hell, though. Daryl Dixon’s got nothing on John Diggle.
Sorry Daryl, there's a new shooter in town.
Arrow airs on Thursdays at 9 p.m. Eastern on The CW.
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