'Mindhunter' Season 2: David Fincher Reveals Reveals the Grim Case
Atlanta is the focus of Season 2.
by Alex WongThe new Netflix procedural Mindhunter, which follows two FBI agents as they interview serial killers, is already looking ahead to Season 2.
Speaking to Billboard in an interview published Saturday, executive producer David Fincher talked about where the series would go next. “Next year we’re looking at the Atlanta child murders, so we’ll have a lot more African-American music which will be nice. The music will evolve,” Fincher said. “It’s intended to support what’s happening with the show and for the show to evolve radically between seasons.”
Fincher’s revelation in the interview is the first time it’s been made official that the second season of Mindhunter will tell the story of the so-called Atlanta Child Murders. An story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published Thursday notes that production on Season 2 will begin in Pittsburgh. Reporter Rob Owen wrote then that the second season of Mindhunter would focus on the Atlanta child murders.
The Atlanta child murders ran between 1979 and 1981, and resulted in the deaths of some 24 children between the ages of 7 and 17, many strangled to death; while six adults ages 20 to 28 were killed, many also strangulated. All were African-American.
Williams' mug shot.
Wayne Williams was convicted for two of the murders, and a number of the murders are believed to be committed by him, with those cases being closed without any convictions. For his part, criminal profiler John E. Douglas, on which Jonathan Groff’s character Holden Ford is based, believes that “it isn’t a single offender and the truth isn’t pleasant.” Douglas was also reprimanded for comments he made after Williams’ arrest had been announced, as what he said made it seem like the FBI was certain he was guilty. To this day, Williams maintains his innocence in all of the murders.
There are a number of documentaries about the murders online, including this CNN documentary:
The fact that the murders began in 1979 and ended in 1981 is interesting, as the first season of Mindhunter takes place in 1977. This means we’ll likely catch up with the Behavioral Science Unit further along in their research, or there will be some kind of time-jump during the season. It may also mean we only get a snapshot of the Atlanta child murders, and not the full story.
However it ends up factoring into the series, though, at least we know we’ll only have to wait until 2018 for more Mindhunter.