'The Last Jedi' Trailer: All the Easter Eggs and Hidden Details
From different scars to Force trees to lightsaber brightness.

The second trailer for Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi created more than one disturbance in the fandom Force. From hints that Rey might turn evil, to controversy over porgs looking fake, to all things Snoke, there was a lot to take in. But with all the big stuff exploding it was easy to get distracted from some of the smaller details. Here’s a full breakdown of some of the Easter eggs, and hidden plot points you may have missed in the new trailer for The Last Jedi. Possible spoilers ahead, of course, but only the weak-minded fear possible spoilers.
Kylo Ren’s Shuttle With New Walkers
The first shot shows the new First Order walkers, which are called the AT-M6s. Flanking them looks to be Kylo Ren’s command shuttle from The Force Awakens.
Does Rey’s Saber Seem Brighter Than Normal?
When Rey ignites the Skywalker family saber, it looks a little whiter than usual. Is this an homage to the wonky color correction from the special editions? Or are the crystals in the saber responding to something in Rey? This second suggestion isn’t crazy. Recent Star Wars canon changes say that sabers can change color based on their user’s mojo. Plus, Maz Kanata said the saber did specifically call out to Rey in The Force Awakens.
Battle Scars Are Visible as Luke Takes the Saber From Rey
People wondered if this was going to happen. It happened. Clearly Luke doesn’t keep it, nor does he seem to have his other green saber, either. Fans at Star Wars Junk have also pointed out that there is some clear blaster scuff on Luke’s robot hand. Those are burns when he got shot on Jabba’s sail barge in Return of the Jedi.
Echoing the cave in The Empire Strikes Back, Rey seems to be sneaking up on what looks like a broken tree. This might be a reference to a very old rumor that Rey would enter a dreamlike vision in which a boy and girl played near a magic tree, which was somehow the origin of the Force. This rumor seemed insane at the time. Maybe it’s not?
Echoing the cave in The Empire Strikes Back, Rey seems to be sneaking up on what looks like a broken tree. This might be a reference to a very old rumor that Rey would enter a dreamlike vision in which a boy and girl played near a magic tree, which was somehow the origin of the Force. This rumor seemed insane at the time. Maybe it’s not?
Those Books Are Back
Ancient Jedi texts? Light reading for Rey? Still unclear. But this shot seems to be the same as the one from the previous trailer.
Rey’s Saber Move Is EXACTLY Like Kylo’s in The Force Awakens
When Rey swings her saber, she stops short of hitting it on a rock. This move seems to intentionally echo the way Kylo Ren swung his saber to Rey’s neck in The Force Awakens.
Rey’s Force Powers Are LIT
While meditating, Rey cracks the ground and Luke is freaked out. Does this mean Rey caused the ground to crack on Starkiller Base in The Force Awakens?
Weird Ancient Jedi Writing?
There’s some kind of seal behind Luke that looks like it could be the insignia for the Jedi Order.
Luke’s Flashback
When Luke talks about how afraid of Rey he is, it looks like we’re getting more of his flashback to his Jedi school getting ruined. This looks just as dark as we knew it would be. Probably the most jarring thing about this shot is seeing Luke’s robot hand break out of a burning pile of wood.
Kylo Ditches His Helmet
Kylo Ren is so pissed that he decides to get rid of this helmet. Is this because he’s turning good? Or is he just mad about making dumb fashion choices?
Old School Rebellion Ships
Most of the ships in the Resistance fleet look a lot like the ships from Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. In The Force Awakens, we really didn’t get to see any of the bigger Resistance ships. These two look very similar to the Rebel transports from Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back and the Nebulon-B frigate from Return of the Jedi.
Falcon Shot Homages Return of the Jedi
When the Millennium Falcon is escaping this weird crystal planet, one of the tight shots directly echoes a beat from Return of the Jedi when Lando is flying out of the second Death Star.
Poe’s New Turbo Boost
Did you hear Poe’s got a new turbo boost for his X-Wing? Well, here it is in action.
Finn and Phasma Rematch
As we’ve all known, Captain Phasma is back and shinier than ever. It looks like her rematch with Finn is going to be more than awkward — it looks deadly. Finn is clearly rocking a First Order uniform here, totally undercover.
Snow Wolf Next to Sandcrawler/ Is Leia Meeting Luke Here?
In one of the shots that no one saw coming, this cool snow wolf is running around by what looks like a Sandcrawler from A New Hope. It looks like Luke is waiting in the same area, and then Leia turns to look at him? Will Luke and Leia have a reunion?
Snoke Is a Normal-Sized Person
Snoke is not a giant. He seems normal-sized. Tall but normal-sized.
Kylo Ren’s Scar Looks Totally Different at the End of the Trailer
This detail seems fairly obvious, but because of everything going on it almost slides by undetected. In the scene where Kylo is flying his TIE Fighter, he looks to have a more pronounced scar, with some mechanical-looking cross-stitching. But, at the end of the trailer, his scar looks totally different. Maybe he’s healed more in this scene than in the TIE fighter scene? Previously, director Rian Johnson did reveal Kylo’s scar looks different in The Last Jedi than in The Force Awakens because the previous scar looked “goofy.”
The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15. Watch the trailer again here.