‘Blade Runner 2049’ Should've Had a Post-Credits Scene
Imagine how cool this would have been.

The ending of Blade Runner 2049 isn’t remotely similar to the ending of the first film, even though it is directly connected to the events of that story. It also doesn’t really set up a direct sequel. But it could have, had there been a post-credits scene.
Spoilers ahead for *Blade Runner 2049
The absence of a post-credits scene in Blade Runner 2049 certainly gives the film a little bit of class. The movie isn’t an attempting to create a big interconnected franchise, which is very refreshing. But, because the actual ending of the film is somewhat abrupt, a post-credit scene could have felt like a small treat for the fans. Perhaps we could have just seen Gaff sitting alone in that old folks home, making a tin foil animal in the shape of a little horse. As it stands, the mystery of K’s fake/real childhood memory is simply a flourish of the film, a stylistic choice, rather than a true plot twist. This isn’t to say it’s bad or doesn’t work, just that for fans who wanted another sequel, there isn’t much hope.
A post-credits scene could have supplied some of that missing hope, but it also could have given viewers a break about the whole question of Deckard’s humanity or Replicant-ness. By now, everyone will be talking about how Blade Runner 2049 brought a young 1982 Sean Young back to life as a Replicant of the original Replicant, Rachael. Unceremoniously, the new Rachael Replicant is shot in the head because Deckard notices a flaw; her eyes are the wrong color. While this scene felt a little like the special effects people on 2049 giving Rogue One’s CGI Leia the middle finger, it also was a missed opportunity. If you’re going to have a de-aged Sean Young, why not have a de-aged Harrison Ford, too?
This could have been the best post-credits sequence of all time. Imagine it: we see K lying in the snow again, waiting for death or whatever. Suddenly, his eyes snap open. Who is that standing over him? Oh, it’s young Harrison Ford as a new Deckard. And then he says ominously: “I’m here to take over the case.”
Too bad it didn’t happen, and all these dreams of post-credits sequences are lost now, like tears on a snowflake on Ryan Gosling’s face.
Blade Runner 2049 is out in wide release now.
Read next: 4 Blade Runner Myths to Get Over ASAP
If you liked this article, check out this video about the practical effects in Blade Runner 2049.