Watch This Hero-Slash-Maniac Surf Waves on a Flatscreen TV
This is unacceptable.

Do you have some time to kill? A few minutes to do nothing but sit and nervously watch something? Then check out this video of a mysterious surfer shredding the gnar on a 58-inch flatscreen TV!
Though the video was (relatively) recently posted to Digg and then reposted on Motherboard, it’s worth noting that the aforementioned video first cropped up back in 2016. According to the original YouTube poster “Life of a Bobby Dude,” the surfer in question is named Bobby Hasbrook, and this is indeed real.
“I took my 58 inch Flatscreen TV Twin Fin for a Surf,” the surfer wrote on YouTube. That’s fine, he didn’t need to elaborate. The video speaks for itself in all its anxiety-inducing glory.
Check it out:
While the video is certainly entertaining, much like Twin Peaks: The Return, it fails to tie up a few loose ends. Why did Bobby decide to surf on this TV? How did he know it would be safe? Did he practice for the big event by using other TVs? I guess we’ll just have to wait for the sequel to find out, if there ever is one.
The bottom line is that surfing seems hard, especially when you’re using a device that is very clearly not created for it. Still, many people — and animals — seem to enjoy shredding in all sorts of unconventional ways, and I will always be here to watch the videos.
I mean really, who doesn’t want to look at a pig surfing? Go ahead and look, you’ve earned it.
If you liked this article, check out this video on how to turn your tv into a 3D hologram projector.