Another Spider-Man Character May Show Up in ‘Infinity War’

Peter Parker is finally at home in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but one of his new friends may be joining him in Avengers: Infinity War next year.
On Tuesday, IMDB shared a video on Twitter that claimed that actress Tiffany Espensen will appear in the next Avengers as “Cindy,” a role Espensen previously played in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Although it isn’t definitive, the character seems loosely based on Cindy Moon, who in the comics became the superhero Silk when she was bitten by the same spider that also gave Peter Parker his powers.
Of course, it’s extremely unlikely Espensen’s “Cindy” will become Silk, given all that’s going on in Infinity War. Aside from having a minor role in Homecoming, the next installment of the Avengers’ heroics is already jam-packed to the brim with heroes, all of whom are too busy trying to stop Thanos from destroying everything. (And that’s without enlisting the help of the TV guys like the Defenders.) So don’t expect Silk in the MCU anytime soon.
Still, Silk has had an exciting history in her relatively short existence. Introduced in The Amazing Spider-Man in 2014, Cindy Moon was bitten by the same spider that created Spider-Man. When Cindy’s powers manifested, her family made a deal with the wealthy Ezekiel Sims to keep her safe from Morlun, who was hunting for Spider-people across the multiverse in Spider-Verse. Cindy was kept in a bunker for ten years until Spider-Man released her back into the world, where she had her own adventures in her ongoing solo series Silk.
The MCU is already treating its “Cindy” quite differently than the comics, so fans shouldn’t expect a post-credits teaser where another spider bites Cindy’s leg. But the possibilities are open in this crazy universe.
From the pages of 'Silk' #1, Vol. 2.
Avengers: Infinity War will be released on May 4, 2018.
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