This article has been updated.
With Terminator 6 being treated as a direct sequel to Terminator 2, it seemed likely that some of the in-between entries wouldn’t have much bearing on the upcoming film. Now, we know at least one of the Terminator movies that the sixth film in the franchise won’t acknowledge at all.
What Happened
In an article posted on Thursday, TerminatorFans.com revealed what Arnold Schwarzenegger shared with them about the film at the An Experience With Arnold Schwarzenegger event. Notably, Terminator 6 is going to ignore 2015’s Terminator Genisys, and it won’t be called Terminator 6.
What It Means
The Terminator films after T2 have struggled to resonate with fans, so it only makes sense for James Cameron and co. to cut events many people don’t care too much for or, like me, don’t know much about having not seen Genisys. In any case, it rules out the chances of a meeting between Linda Hamilton and Emilia Clarke both as Sarah Connor (though not necessarily a meeting between Sarah Connor and her younger self).
What’s Next
It’s interesting that Schwarzenegger only mentions Genisys here, not Salvation or Rise of the Machines. This could be deliberate, Schwarzenegger might have taken it as a given that those films wouldn’t be acknowledged if Genisys wasn’t, or it could have been the result of how TerminatorFans.com phrased their questions to the actor. However, with the franchise’s liberal use of time-travel, pretty much anything is fair game when it comes to being cut from the next Terminator film.
The release date for the next Terminator film is July 26, 2019.