Here Are Some of the Wildest Perks Employees Get at Tech Companies
Sometimes it’s cool to work for billionaires and millennials.

As if being bestowed with a top-tier resumé and perhaps some general feelings of superiority isn’t enough, working at the country’s biggest tech companies can come with all kinds of perks.
While its been questioned if the most outlandish of them are even sustainable, let’s vicariously enjoy them while they’re here. Below are some of the confirmed or rumored highlights.
1.) Arcade games at Google
Obviously this isn’t the primary reason Google has been deemed the “best company to work for” six years in a row, but it’s pretty nice. Ms. Pac-Man, Star Castle, and Area 51 are among the retro arcade games that can be found at the company’s headquarters. Google’s New York office also has at bunch of Pac-Man arcade games — in its entirely Pac-Man-themed room.
2.) Beer bashes at Apple
It’s like the big music festival your college had once a year, but once every few of weeks. According to Business Insider, the company holds a regular event called a “beer bash” for its employees. Earlier this summer, Demi Lovato performed at one of them.
3.) Baby Money At Facebook
A member of Facebook’s communications team confirmed with Inverse that employees who have newborns get $4,000 “baby cash” from the company. That amounts to a year’s worth of diapers and formula, the stroller Princess Kate Middleton used for her baby, a state-of-the-art baby monitor, car seat, high chair, and a pretty much stocked nursery.
The Dragon V2 manned spacecraft can be seen in a rare glimpse inside the company's headquarters in Hawthorne, California.
4.) The muffins at SpaceX
OK, admittedly, this is just based off one guy’s Glassdoor review. SpaceX did not answer when asked for more details about what these muffins are made of or how to get ahold of them. But this reviewer liked them enough to mention them twice in only 144 words, so that must count for something.
(Interestingly, Elon Musk’s own mother was once quoted saying she prefers to carry nuts and prunes to snack on, adding, “When you’re hungry, you’ll look for foods and it’s never salad; it’s always muffins!” Perhaps a sweet tooth for the baked goods run in the family?)
A photo from Pixar Animation Studios campus in Emeryville, CA, taken before the Monsters University premiere in 2013.
5.) Disneyland Main Entrance Pass at Pixar
A Glassdoor reviewer noted this perk, and a Disney employee confirmed it to Inverse. All Disney staff get free admission to all Disney parks (except Disneyland Japan) for themselves and their dependents. Other perks that come with the pass include 2-4 free tickets per year that they can give to friends or charity and hotel/cruise discounts. Not a bad way for parents employed there to spend their paid time off with their families.
6.) Car detailing and oil changes at PayPal
BizJournals reported in 2015 that this perk is a Friday thing at the PayPal office. Between that and the food trucks that would come on the same day, it’s easy to see the incentive in not calling out sick and turning your weekend into a three-day one.