A bunch of new heroes will be introduced in the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi, joining old and new(er) favorites to fight the First Order. Force Friday II, the day Lucasfilm has chosen to release all its toys and merchandise for The Last Jedi, revealed potential plot details and promised a new character.
Inverse set out to the Disney Store in New York City’s Times Square, determined to discover the promised newbie of the Star Wars universe. We found the character, and it definitely wasn’t what we were expecting.
Using the Star Wars app’s augmented reality setting, “Find the Force,” we made our way through the store, scanning the various images of Star Wars characters set between toy lightsabers, Chewbacca plushies and voice-activated BB-8 robots.
While some of the images and their associated AR characters made sense — Snoke’s Praetorian Guard gave you a Praetorian Guard eyeing you in suspicion — others weren’t so obvious — an image of Kylo Ren brandishing his red lightsaber revealed Chewie groaning out a few lines of Shyriiwook and tilting his head at you.
It turned out the “new character” was hiding in the photo of Rey placed toward the front of the store. Scanning a photo of Rey, standing in a defensive pose and holding her blue lightsaber, set a brand new droid rolling into view.
Meet 2BB-2, an astromech droid that, unfortunately for it, looks like the trash compactor version of BB-8. But it seems just as friendly!
Unlocking the AR 2BB-2 also unveiled some fun (if unrevealing) information about BB droids in the Resistance.
2BB-2 is the new character introduced on Force Friday.
Meet 2BB-2 and see the rest of the Resistance’s heroes when Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres in theaters on December 15.